Gojou Sakura

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At a hospital, inside a room, it shows a "couple" in the room. A woman sitting on the bed while a man sat on the chair beside the bed. In the woman's arms, a recently birth baby girl is residing with the cloth in her arms.

???: She's beautiful.

???: Yes.

The man reach out his hand and carefully caressing the baby girl's head.

???: I never thought that one night time ended up like this. At least they never notice I got pregnant. Thank goodness I decide to take some break from work, even it means I can't rank up.

???: Ahahahah. Don't worry, you'll be fine. I said I'd cover for you, didn't I?

???: *deadpan expression* And I don't believe that you actually did a proper job in doing that.

???: Now, now.

???: *sigh* What should we do about this...? Won't it'll be bad if we won't come clean?

???: Hmmm...

The man gets up and look out of the window, before turn to the woman.

???: Nope, we just keep it between us. If we tell those elders, they would just do whatever they wanted to put all kinds of pressure onto us!

???: But are you sure...? I can--

???: No, you don't have to. If someone need to take all the burden, then it is all on me. I challenge the system, so I must be the one who continously doing so.

???: But... *look at the baby* this child... I don't want she grew in such harsh life.

???: Leave it to me. I won't let anything happen to her. I promise you.

The woman cuddles the baby before lift her up, allowing the man to walk over and put the baby girl within his arms. The baby slightly let out a cute sound, before opening her eyes and look at her parents.

???: Hello there... From now on, I'll protect you. Our child... Gojou Sakura.


Few years have passed since the birth of a girl named Gojou Sakura. While it was kept a secret at first, it didn't take long until the higher-ups, and then the whole jujutsu society know about the existence of the girl. Because of the sudden news, the higher-ups tries to put pressure onto her father, but his mere presence is already enough to intimidate the elders, which make them quiet about it. While the jujutsu sorcerers have the questions of their own, no one dare to mess with the strongest sorcerer of the modern era.

(Gojou Residence)

At the residence of the current head of the Gojou Clan, that is where the little girl lives. She live peacefully at the area along with her father who has been raising her on his own. Because Satoru is very strong, he live on his own rather than along side his clan members.

(Living Room)

In the living room, Gojou Sakura, who is now four years old, are reading some books while sitting on the couch.

《Gojou Sakura》
《Age: 4》
《Heiress of Gojou Clan》

Because she has been living with her father, Sakura aware of the existence of the "jujutsu world" which completely separated from the "normal world." Becoming very curious herself, Sakura learn so much about jujutsu the time when she start to talk, walk and able to understand things way better than a normal little girl.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Necromancer & Little Gojou Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt