Jujutsu Kaisen 0 - Part 4

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As Yuta continue his studies at Tokyo Jujutsu High, his studies does not only range to be along with his friends. He ended up learning few things from Sakura and Tamashi. They actually get along way faster than anyone thought, even establish better friendship without having specific connection. Sakura already like Yuta already, and Tamashi eventually open up to Yuta because he understand his kind of past.

(Abandoned Hospital)

At an abandoned hospital, Yuta went on a mission where he supposed to be his first solo mission. But Sakura insisted that she wanted to go to, making Tamashi following them. Once they going around the place, they encounter with different kind of cursed spirits and taking all of them together.

Yuta: Sakura-chan, to the left!

Sakura: Okay!

She blast the cursed spirits into pieces with her energy blast. Yuta slash two cursed spirits together. Necrom throwing hits at each cursed spirits he encounter and exorcise them.

Necrom: That should do it.

Yuta: *exhale breathe* So that was it, huh?

Sakura: So, Yuta, how is it hanging out with us?

Yuta: It actually quite fun.

Once done with the exorcism activity, they walk out from the abandoned hospital. Necrom already revert to normal, and the veil has been undone once their job is done.

Sakura: Hey, Yuta, have you learn about Domain Expansion?

Yuta: Gojou Sensei did mention about that, but I never actually know about it. Why did you ask?

Tamashi: Because you're a special grade sorcerer, and those above first grade is capable of conjuring their own domain. Though they must first have their own Innate Domain that engraved into their brain since the day they were born. But it was not guaranteed because there is one special grade sorcerer who couldn't deploy a domain.

Sakura: Just think it as your imaginary world.

Yuta: I don't think I could do that...

Sakura: Says the one who got the Queen of Curses that possess almost unlimited amount of cursed energy. My cursed energy is still growing.

Yuta: Can you two use Domain Expansion though?

Tamashi/Sakura: Yes.

Yuta: *sweatdrop* ...

Tamashi: If you get the right inspiration and proper control of your cursed energy, then you are capable of creating your domain.

Sakura: It didn't really take me that long to learn mine. I able to learn my own domain just last year, and Tamashi capable of deploying his a year before that.

Yuta: Wow... Then will you teach me how it's done?

Sakura: Sure! But Domain Expansion is really hard to learn, and I only able to create mine after personally seeing what Tama-nii's domain is.

Tamashi: Now, let's get back to the school. It will be fall season and the temperature would be colder than before.

Sakura: And my birthday isn't that far away, too! Hooray!

Yuta: That's nice, Sakura-chan. What do you want for birthday gift?

Sakura: I don't know! I'll ask for something you can afford!

Tamashi: Believe me, Yuta, just buy her something that would be nice. She just keep asking for anything that mostly impossible to get.

Yuta: *sweatdrop* Uh-huh...

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