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Now that Sakura is known to have two cursed technique, Limitless and another technique called "Energy Manipulation," it means that she need to be more careful. Even if her other cursed technique is kept a secret, she still would be targeted due a direct relative of Gojou Satoru. Because of that, Satoru choose to hire a bodyguard. And not just any bodyguard, but a bodyguard that is an different kind of level.


Sometime after leaving the Kyoto Jujutsu High, one certain former student move to Tokyo for a better life away from the "holy land of Jujutsu." He is now living at Tokyo, the place he feel much better at and his relatives are not living far from him.

(Tamashi Residence)

With his own money, allowance left by his parents and the allowance given by his relatives once a month, Tamashi able to get himself his own house

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With his own money, allowance left by his parents and the allowance given by his relatives once a month, Tamashi able to get himself his own house. He live on his own, and his house is just a simple one. He could get an apartment, but for some reason, he chose a house.

(Research Lab)

Inside his own underground lab, Tamashi is doing his own work that is not related with the jujutsu life

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Inside his own underground lab, Tamashi is doing his own work that is not related with the jujutsu life. He choose his own life now that he finally out from the school. Because for not enough funding to do many things, he simply just use what he have.

Tamashi: Tch... This all isn't really that fine.

He look into computer and see all the data he have collected all over the area in a single year. Tamashi even look into the darkweb to find the detail about curse users so he can hunt them down.

Tamashi: *in mind* This isn't the life I really thought I'm going to have. Becoming a sorcerer, or even a former one, is just as hard as normal life. Maybe I should just become a curse user myself? No, no, that just putting a bounty onto my head...

He sigh and lean back at his chair, even putting his legs onto the table, folding his hands at the back of his head.

Tamashi: *yawn* ...

He scratch his head while yawning before look at his computers screens.

Tamashi: I've got all the proper data that I need, but there are things that still need for this system to success...

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