Hidden Power - Part 3

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While Tamashi and Sakura are just going on their usual life, there is a hidden intensity is waiting for them. Shu Wen is a foreign curse user who decide to take the job to kidnap Gojou Sakura. Through the dark website, Shu Wen search for the information about the duo. While not having much information about both, he is well-prepared to take them on. He have the knowledge about how Limitless, Infinity, works and he personally wish to see what kind of cursed technique is Necromancy. Though his main aim is still the prize.


When Tamashi throw another punch, his cursed bandages suddenly teared apart, surprising him.

Tamashi: Wha--?!

Shu Wen: Surprised? This is not much.

For an instant glance, Tamashi saw Shu Wen take out a dagger like weapon with half chipped form. That was the weapon used to cut off his cursed bandages and his Gamma soldiers before.

Tamashi: *in mind* That's the weapon that nullify cursed technique?

Shu Wen: Takumi Tamashi, you peaked my interest. But I need money to live, so I will be leaving now...

Everything went slow as Shu Wen thrust the sword toward Tamashi.

Shu Wen: You're no dropout, but a fine sorcerer. For the weak ones.

As thing have to normal speed, the sound of blade stabbed into flesh and the blood gushing out from the stab wound. Tamashi's eyes widen in shock as he was taken by surprise by this sudden turn of event.

Tamashi: *in mind* Wh-What...? Did I... get hit...?

When the action become much more visible, it shows Tamashi is stabbed near the neck and blood gushing out from the wound. Blood also coming out from his mouth. Even so, Tamashi tried to move as he throws punch at Shu Wen. But he couldn't properly move as he pull out the dagger, making Tamashi stunned as he use his left hand to close the wound.

Shu Wen: You're not Gojou Satoru, but this proves that there are other jujutsu sorcerers who are stronger than others. Though this is a bit disappointing.

Tamashi: *glare at Shu Wen* ...!!

Shu Wen: But this is the end.

He swing the dagger and slash across Tamashi's chest, before sending him flying away using a powerful punch. Tamashi crash into some trees, and the trees break down by the impact. Shu Wen lash the dagger aside, getting the blood off of it.

Shu Wen: That is one down.

He look at where Tamashi is lying at, as the smoke and dust clears. Tamashi appear to be lying on the ground, lifeless, and his blood just pooling on the ground.

Shu Wen: Fine fight, but disappointing because you didn't draw out your power to the fullest. Even so, you have my thanks, Takumi Tamashi.

He turn around and walk away, going to find Sakura within the Veil. At the other side of the park, Sakura is tapping onto the Veil. She keep trying and it has shown that she cannot get out.

Sakura: It really is useless. I wonder what is happening.

She sigh again as the Veil just won't settle down until they take down the one who casted it. But what makes Sakura uneasy is that Tamashi's Gamma soldiers that guarding her suddenly disappear.

Sakura: Why would that guy call back something that he need to protect me?

???: Possibly because he need them more than you are.

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