Huwag Muna Tayong Umuwi - Mikha (BINI) Taglish Ver.

Start from the beginning

A couple of minutes passed of YN soothing Mikha, the girl gave in and laughed at YN whose mind is a mess from the jumbling of the right words he will use for his (pretending to be) sulky girlfriend.

YN then led Mikha to his car to start their date.


For the first itinerary of this date, YN brought Mikha to a volleyball match between rival colleges in the capital city. Mikha was beyond happy and was excited to watch a sport that she loved so much. Fun fact, Mikha was a volleyball player and a sporty girl!

YN bought the ticket and as soon as they entered the main hall of the arena, the energetic crowd greeted them, also pumping the adrenaline and excitement inside of their body.

Mikha was giddy from the time she entered and took a seat that was designated to her then, the game started.

The two teams rally and score with the spikes of their own, some points are from aces, and some are from the blocks of the tall players who are guarding at the net.

The ball alternated its court as it was being hit by the players. Watching a game of volleyball never disappoints as there is no such thing as a big lead, as long as you have the determination to win, you can win.

Also, supporters of each school showed up as they nearly filled the arena to its full capacity. Mikha, who loves the game, was in bliss and her passion also comes out by saying something like; "Ay! Sayang!!!" or "YN, kaya ko kaya ma-spike yun?" Mikha's emotion was in the game as well as like she was playing with the players in the court.

Set by set, each school got two each and now they are fighting for the 3rd set win. Only needing 15 points instead of 25, the fight just got fiercer.

The last set commenced with the two teams rallying like crazy, literally diving for the ball at all cost just to set their team to attack. YN and Mikha were on the edge of their seats, while neither of them picked a team to support, the game itself will drag you to its intensity.

Two teams, the yellow team and the green team were fighting head to head until the libero of the green team miscalculated the trajectory of the ball, missing it and it also means that Yellow team has a point.

Mikha exhaled while holding YN's hand, fully immersed in the game they were watching.

"I-kalma mo Mikha, kulang nalang ikaw na pumalo ng bola eh," YN used this opportunity to joke and his girlfriend just hugged him tightly with her eyes still on the court.

"Ay nako YN, papakitaan talaga kita pag ako naglaro," Mikha said.


Game point, Yellow team served the ball to the opposite side of the court and green team received it and set up with a shot of its own. The setter of the green team throws the ball in the air and one, two people faked before the third person struck the ball but the yellow team saw this coming as the tall blockers blocked the shot, signifying the green team loses the game.

The players from the yellow team celebrated while the players from the green team motivated each other up and in the end, the sportsmanship prevailed as the players from both teams lined up in the net and greeted each other for a nice game.

Mikha on the other hand cheered loudly as the magnificent game had a magnificent ending, she jumped happily while YN just watched his girl with a smile while being happy and enjoying her time.


"Saan mo nanaman ako dadalhin?" Mikha asked, a little bit annoyed with YN but the man just shrugged it off.

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