Psychology 102

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The next morning I woke up with the sounds of chaos in the house. I begrudgingly opened my eyes and sat up straight and in an instant I was done with the day. I knew it wasn’t going to be a good day. I got up from my bed and stretched my body and walked to my cabinet to get some supply of Vervain since I gave some to Caroline I was running a little low.

I got a few buds of the vervain and walked out of my room and I found Damon going to Stefan's room and he asked, “I heard you have a compass.” I looked at him and he said, “Got it.” He walked away and I went downstairs to find a spray bottle and I found one in the basement next to the refrigerator.

I picked out a blood bag and drank it and it was just the thing that I needed right now. The sweet harmony of the flowing blood, just soothed my soul. I put the vervain buds in the bottle and mixed it with water and went upstairs to find Vicki.

I found her and the other two nimrods in Stefan’s room trying to talk to Vicki. As soon as she saw me she got up from her chair in anger and I just sprayed the water on her face. It burned her skin and she wriggled on the ground in pain crying.

“What the hell Tom?” Stefan went to check on her and I stopped him and said, “Remember what I said, “I’ll handle her.” So back off.”

“I seem like an easter bunny now don’t I?” He smiled at Vicki.

Vicki’s face healed soon and she touched it and then looked at me and got up, “What did you do to me?”
I started walking towards her and she took a few steps back and became silent as she looked at me. I smiled, “Good… Now. You are a vampire Vicki and you have chosen this life, but that doesn’t mean the vampire life has chosen you. I know it sounds like nonsense and all but it’s true. You became a vampire because of that dumbass right there.” I pointed at Damon and he smiled and waved and flipped me the bird.

“So it doesn’t matter whose mistake it was or if you are the victim or any other thing under the sun… what matters is this. You are in deep shit now Vicki…” She panicked and looked at Stefan and he looked at me and I said, “You won’t survive this if you don’t change. You are weak, erratic and emotional. All the things that will get you staked in the heart and burned to cinders by the sun. So I have taken an interest in a responsibility not to save you but to save all of us. Got it?”

She looked at me and her eyes started to swell up with tears and I looked at her and said, “No crying.” I spared her with the bottle again.

I turned to Damon and threw the compass at him and Stefan looked at me and I said, “Both of you and especially you Damon are on this. They clearly know that vampires have returned and are starting to take action. Do something about it.”

“Stop doing it!” Vicki yelled and I sprayed her again and I said, “Stop reacting then, be calm.” She looked at me and she got up again and I nodded, “Good… here.” I gave her the blood bag but Stefan tried to stop me and I said, “What did I say?”

“Have you considered that she might be a.”

“Ripper?” Damon looked at him and I sighed and said, “She isn't… last night she didn’t rip that whatever his name was’s head.”

“What’s a Ripper?” Vicki asked and I said, “Everything in it’s time. Right now, drink.” She took the bag and started drinking and I said, “Try to slow down… this is for the whole day.”

“What?” Vicki looked at me and the bag was more than half empty now. “Fuck.”

“You have a lot to learn.” I looked at her and kinda weighed my options.

Damon sighed and said, “Well, I’m not needed or wanted here so… toodles.” He got up and walked away.

“Have a shower and be in your room… I’ll be with you in a minute. We’ll go over the basics.” Vicki rolled her eyes and walked out the room as well.

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