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Vampires are truly an odd animal, never changing like an obelisk. Reminding them of their cursed existence. That they stand alone in this withering world. Yet they are always looking for something, something that can change them. Make them feel alive again.

New day brought the same old problems for the Salvatore house. Two brothers at each others throats. Middle child left to his own devices and a young one that they all ignored completely. Poor Zach. Damon was out doing Damon things, Stefan was sort of failing with Elena and Tom... well he was still reading his father's journal.

For a vampire he was a bit slow but who knows maybe he's just taking his time. Trying to remember, everything and know what happened after he left. Tom was in his room reading the journal when he got a text from Bonnie.

"Hey, I want to check in with you, if you are free today?"

Tom smiled as he texted back to her, "Yeah, what do you have in mind?"

"There is this comet thing at the town square. Would you like to go with me?"

Tom scrunched his eyebrows and remembered what happened today. It wasn't a good day for anyone... especially for his brothers. "Yeah, sure. I'll be there."

"Great... see you soon."

Tom looked at the text and then got up from his bed and went to Stefan's room. He was lying on his bed, brooding like usual. "Hey!"

Stefan looked up, "Hey."

"Elena got home okay?" Tom walked inside and stopped on his journals closet and opened it.

"Yeah, she called me."

"And did you apologize to her... for acting all psycho?" I looked for his journal for 1864. I found it was a leather bound small journal with parchment. Its leather was tough and scratched.

"Yeah, I did... thank you by the way." he said as he sits straight and looked at him.

"How many time will you thank me? I'm your brother remember? I'm supposed to help you." I opened it and stared at its pages.

"It's good that you are here." Tom turned and looked at him.

"I told you... but it's good to hear it from you."

Stefan smiled and said, "You're still reading?"

Tom hummed and nodded, "Well, if you want to you can read mine... not that you aren't doing it already."

Tom chuckled as he looked at him, "What are wearing for tonight?"


"The comet watch or something... Bonnie invited me... Didn't Elena tell you?"

Stefan sighed and nodded, "She did... I don't with Damon here... I don't think I should."

Tom closed the journal and walked over to Stefan and sat next to him, "Hey, come on... Damon is like STD... he's always going to be there, but you can't stop just because of it. "

A very confused and awkward Stefan burned holes into Tom and said, "That's the weirdest analogy... ever."

"It's accurate though." Tom then got up and said, "Let's go to it... Im sure it will turn into a great night."

"I doubt it." Stefan said as he got up.


Both of the brothers arrived at the little shindig, for a small town this place was filled with people. Tom looked at all the people and said, "If wasn't being a goody good guy right now. This place would have been lot of fun."

TVD: Beyond the pale moonWhere stories live. Discover now