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After the meeting with Bonnie, I was a little disappointed but I had the idea that she wouldn't accept my offer, even though it was for the common good of all. Now I have looked over everything on my own and I didn't want to do that again. It's quite tiring to be on top. I finally arrived at home and saw that Elena's car was missing so maybe she went home.

I walked inside and I saw Stefan moping around in the parlour for some reason. I walked in and he looked up and asked, "Where were you? You left in a hurry?"

I sighed and poured some whiskey for me and said, "Went to meet Bonnie."

He looked confused and said, "Why did you meet with Bonnie so suddenly? I thought Vicki was important?"

I took a sip and nodded, "She is and that's why I had to go..."

He shook his head and said, "I don't get it."

"She knows."

He looked at me with his eyes wide and said, "And you still went to her?"

"We met at the grill and it's not like she could have killed me." I patted his shoulders.

"What did she say? What did you say?"

"She asked me about being a vampire and all, I asked her to cooperate with us in exchange we would ensure the safety of the town's people from other vamps, you know that kinda deal."


I shrugged and said, "She refused..." He looked at me and sighed, "I know, I'm disappointed as well... but I do think she'll change her mind sometime in the future."


"This is Mystic Falls, Stefan nothing is what it seems... I'm very sure that somehow something will happen that would require us to kinda work together."

He looked confused and said, "Are we talking about the same place? Because the last big thing that happened was us and that one... anyways. Nothing happens here."

I chuckled and got up and patted his back and walked out the room. He still doesn't know about the history of this place. I went upstairs in my room and I found Vicki laying on my bed and she was looking at the ceiling and said, "You're back meeting with a girl?"

She turned to look at me and I nodded, "Smell or sound?"

"Smell... I somehow can't hear out of this room?"

I shrugged my shoulders and asked, "So what did Stefan teach you while I was gone?"

"He told me to drink coffee..." She turned her head towards me and said, "Your's is better."

I smiled, "Not the first time I've heard that one."

She got up and asked, "When can we go out?"

"As soon as the sun sets we'll go..."

She whined and said, "Why can't I get a ring like you?"

I looked at her and said, "Learn to walk first Vicki. This thing is precious, I didn't even have this for like a decade or two."

She tilted her head and asked, "Then how did you... how did you live?"

I sighed and sat down next to her, "When I turned, I was alone and there wasn't anyone that I could rely on, but that's not the case for you and as far as how I lived? I lived in new york for a while living as a saloon keeper and a mortician during the day. Kinda gave me a hunting ground and a sanctuary as well."

She was baffled and asked, "You worked?" I nodded and she asked, "Why would you work? When you can do that weird hypno thingy?"

"It's called compulsion and why not as I said those places helped me blend in within society and it really helped me develop my human side."

TVD: Beyond the pale moonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora