Dream from beyond

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I dream of a man when I sleep. I see him every night in my dreams. I'm scared of his midnight eyes, which hold an ocean of darkness in them. Yet his hair reminds me of the golden dawn after the long, dark night. He gazes at me like a bird of prey and strolls towards me with longing in his eyes.

My mind wants to run away from his shadows, yet my heart yearns for something more. His perfect olive hands touch my face sweetly. His very touch soothes my soul. He holds me close with his strong arms, as if I were his. May the man I dream of never come true, yet my heart still wishes it to be true.

The alarm on my phone rang, waking me up to reality. I sat up on my bed and took a breath of relief. Why am I seeing these things? I wondered. What kind of dreams are they, or if they are dreams? I wasn't sure. I took a deep breath and got up from my bed. Even though my morning didn't start out great, I refuse to let it ruin the rest of the day. Besides, today is the first day of school. That reminded me that I needed to pick up Elena.

We, are supposed to go together. I hopped in the shower and turned the shower on. As I was showering, I closed my eyes, and I was reminded of him again. I opened my eyes quickly and just shook these thoughts away. I needed to focus. After the shower, I got quickly dressed and went downstairs.

Dad was away on a business trip, so I was alone in the house. I went into the kitchen and got some cereal and milk. I took it and went into the living room, turned on the TV, and started eating. A couple went missing yesterday outside of town. Poor guys. I finished the cereal and put the bowl away in the kitchen. I took my keys and got out of the house.

Getting in my car, I quickly took off to Elena's house. As I was driving, I got a text from her asking when I was coming over. I texted back and drove a little faster. I picked up Elena from her house, and we were on our way. "Hey Bonnie." Elena asked in her usual cheerful voice, yet it didn't feel as real. "Hey, had a good sleep last night?"

She nodded. "I did." She looked towards me, and questioned, "How about you?" I couldn't tell her about the dream because even I wasn't too sure about it myself, and what if she thinks it's something else?.

So I just nodded, and, trying to change the conversation, I just said, "So Gram says that I'm a psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, witches and all that."

She looked at me like she heard something crazy. She's not alone on this one. "I know, crazy, but she's going on and on about it." I laughed a little about and continued on jokingly, "I'm like, "Put this woman in a home already."But then I started thinking: I predicted Obama, and I predicted Heath Ledger. And I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands."

I looked towards her, and she was looking out of the car; she seemed lost in thought. I called her out, "Elena, back in the car." She looked down, shook her head and said in a very low tone, "I did it again, didn't I? I'm sorry, Bonnie." She looks at me and recalls what I had said to her: "You were telling me that..." I chimed in with her, "That I'm a psychic now." She chuckled and asked, "Alright, then predict something about me?"

I looked at her and was about to say something. That's when something came crashing on the windshield. I got scared and tried to pull over. Pumping up the breaks, and the car did come to a stop after swerving a little to the side. As I gasped for air and looked at the windshield and, asked, "What was that? Oh, my god." I looked at Elena and asked, "Elena, are you okay?"

She looked a little shook but nodded to reassure me, "It's okay, I'm fine." I took a deep breath and apologized. "It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere." She shook her head and said, "Really, I'm fine. I can't be freaked out by cars forever."

I smiled and proclaimed, "I predict this year is going to be kick-ass. And that all the sad and dark times are over. And you are going to be beyond happy." She smiled and nodded in agreement, and we went on our way.

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