Chapter 18: A Small Problem/Massacre

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

(Y/N): "*GROANING*" He was groaning and make him is sleeping on the bed and then he just sleeping for while and until he was start to wake up from the bed and make him just got up from the bed and he turn his head to look at the time and he saw the time is...9:00 AM in the morning.

(Y/N): "Shit...Damn, how long I've been out like this." He said to himself.

(Y/N): "*Sigh* What a night..." He said to himself and make him was slowly got up from the bed by himself and he was stretching his bones like arms, and legs too.

(Y/N): "*Chuckle*" He said to himself and make him was put the paper to the trash can by himself and (Y/N) look at outside from the window of the building and he said to himself.

(Y/N): "Time to go." He said to himself.

When (Y/N) was sigh out little bit and then he just heading out to the bathroom right away and make him was got in there and he is took a long shower in the bathroom by himself and then (Y/N) just going to take a relax in the bathroom when he was take a shower by himself. 

When (Y/N) was got out of the bathroom by himself and make him just got his clothes to dressing on by himself and he looks like normal to him when he just dressing up like this at all.

When (Y/N) was got out of the bathroom by himself and make him just got his clothes to dressing on by himself and he looks like normal to him when he just dressing up like this at all

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(Y/N)'s Outfit.

When (Y/N) was dressing regular normal outfit by himself and make him was turn his head to look at the watch for himself and it is already activating it on and make (Y/N) sigh little bit and then (Y/N) was going to take a step out of his house by himself and then he was walk off to somewhere else in this world by himself. Then (Y/N) went to take a walk toward to the vehicle car right away and make him was hop in the vehicle car and then he start the engine of the vehicle car and driving away from here by himself and he was going out for the restaurant breakfast.

Then (Y/N) was in the restaurant by himself and he was chilling little bit when he was eat the breakfast and also other hand that he was holding the newspaper by himself and he just reading the news about killing also the picture of himself with his Carnage form and (Y/N) was probably don't care about it. When (Y/N) just shook his head and make him drop the newspaper down on the table and he holding the cup of coffee by himself and he just drinking it little bit and he said to himself.

(Y/N): "Best summer ever." He said to himself.



When (Y/N) heard the phone was ringing and make him got it in his hand and he was holding it in his hand and then (Y/N) was take a look at the phone who was Max and he answer to Max about what happened and then he was complaining to (Y/N) about Ben was been kidnapped by the man and take him to the Forever Knight location and turns out that (Y/N) really need to get there fast as he could...but first he need to called out to his girlfriends first and they need to be prepare to fight.

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