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🎵 911 - ellise

The city that never sleeps. No matter what time of day, the lights of cars passing fast across the road never go out, as if they don't give the city pause for a moment's rest.

Among the many vehicles, you are sitting in one of the cars that may have exceeded the speed limit. Several times the speeding camera flashed its flash but Hoshi showed no signs of reducing the speed.

"I thought you don't want to get involved with us." Hoshi asked, his small eyes staring straight at you from the rearview mirror.

"Just," You pressed a finger to your lips, "Shush." Telling him to not ask anything else.

It was all thanks to the car's pampering darkness that you were able to hide your bright red face. On top of all the uncertainty you felt, now it's more like you want to hide--exterminate your existence because of what had just happened before the car left.

For quite some time you've been wondering what it's like to be hypnotized--now it seems like you've just found the answer. When Vernon left with Seungcheol in a different car, you felt embarrassed when you thought, for a split second, that you would be in the same vehicle as him.

"Fuck's sake." While cursing yourself doesn't really help fix what happened, it does at least help you feel less shameful.

"Sorry? Did you say something?" Hoshi just took the right turn when he thought he misheard you.

"Huh?" You brought your eyes back facing the front, "No. Nothing."

If it's not because of the brightness that came from Wonwoo's laptop, you would forget that he was there too. From the back seat you tried to make it less obvious when you peeked through his shoulder. Even if you wanted to act like you understand what he's doing, you can't.

A lot of codings were displayed on the screen and it keeps changing in a very fast pace. The sound of him typing continuously reminded you of the ASMR video you've once seen--not too loud but enough to indicate he's onto something serious.

Far ahead, the traffic light still showed green. As you get closer to the intersection, the light suddenly turns yellow. Cars that are in the same lane as you are starting to slow down. Except for Hoshi who didn't show any intention to do so. Instead, you can see the speedometer continues to increase.

"Uh, I think the light's turning red soon?" Your hands subconsciously reach for the backseat's seatbelt while your eyes nervously look left and right--to where the other cars, even trucks; have been waiting for their turn.

"Sir, aren't you going to stop him?" While asking the serious Wonwoo, now the seatbelt got stuck because you tugged it way too hard, "It's red-- It's RED!"

"It's fineee." Hoshi's small eyes turned into crescent moons as he simply laughed at your antics.

"WhAt--" You coughed one split second after your voice cracked, "WHAT do you mean IT'S FINE-- JESUS." It ended up with you shouting while secretly repenting for all of your sins.

The loud horns pierced your ears straight to your brain, especially the loudest ones coming from the bus--unlocking memories you had buried deep about the accident that took your parents many years ago.

It certainly doesn't feel pleasing. But that feeling of unease was quickly overtaken by confusion as to how the three of you were able to get through the intersection safely. When you looked back, the car that Vernon and Seungcheol were riding in also looked fine.

You fell silent, and when the two men acted as if nothing had happened, you shifted your butt to the edge of the car seat, "I SWEAR to every gods in every universe the light was RED one second ago."

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