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🎵 heaven - julia michaels

A cup of hot chocolate, a blanket over slightly shaking shoulders, sitting on a comfortable sofa next to a warm fireplace

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A cup of hot chocolate, a blanket over slightly shaking shoulders, sitting on a comfortable sofa next to a warm fireplace. The snow falling outside suddenly didn't look so bad. Beside the warm furry slippers was a white maltese with its white tail wagging. Everything is perfect.

Except that you came to a realization that you never own any of it. Including the maltese--since when did you manage to have a pet, just feeding yourself is barely enough.

A tingling damp sensation on your face wakes you up. It takes time and a lot of effort to open your heavy eyelids. When you manage to open them just a little, the light that penetrates makes them close again by itself.

Obviously, the first thing you notice when you manage to open your eyes is that there is no big LED TV on the Han river. The soft crackling sound coming from the woods burning in the fireplace just below the TV catches your attention--so it wasn't just a dream.

Your body feels like crap as you force yourself to get up into a sitting position--from head to toe, everything aches. A soft groan escaped your dry lips as you felt your cheeks sting. Right, you almost forgot about your swollen face.


You quickly turned your head to see a ball of walking white fur on the floor right next to the sofa. A small pink bow was placed on the top of her head. The way she wagged her tail made you realize that you weren't hallucinating. The dog in your dream has literally just appeared before your eyes.

"Hi..?" You said awkwardly in your hoarse voice, holding out your hand to let her sniff your scent--not wanting to scare her with the sudden movement.

"Good to know you're not dead." A voice said from behind.

Every inches of your body and every strands of your hair froze when you saw the rich man who made you buried a dead body, casually walks past you straight to the kitchen area. He was wearing his white suit--sleeves rolled up, a black suit vest still with his tie intact. In his hand--contrary to his appearance--was a pink colored pet bowl.

"You.. That man from before."

"Choi Seungcheol." He raised an eyebrow as he close the expensive looking refrigerator with the side of his arm, "Not that man." He made a cringe face at the way you called him.

"Kkuma, dinner." He then gently put the bowl next to the kitchen counter.

The white maltese happily walked towards her luxurious looking dinner. It was so embarrassing that you almost jumped into the fire when your stomach made a loud rumbling sound, awkwardly filling the silent room. The second time your stomach rumbles, you fake a loud cough and ended up actually choking on your saliva.

Seungcheol was sipping freshly brewed coffee when he stopped for a few seconds. He blinked once, twice, before putting the cup down. On the marble kitchen table, there were instant noodles that he had made earlier. As soon as he opened the lid, a heavenly aroma emerged in every corner of the room.

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