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🎵 chloe adams - dirty thoughts

Korean spa has always been one of the most popular attractions for foreign tourists

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Korean spa has always been one of the most popular attractions for foreign tourists. Hence it wasn't surprising that you saw some groups of people with various skin colors, various characteristics and even different languages when you first arrived there.

Hearing people speak a foreign language you've never heard before feels strange to you. At the same time it also makes you aware that the world you live in every day is very small. There are still many other parts of the world out there that you may not even be aware of.

Sitting in the corner of the room, you couldn't help but observe them secretly. You try your best not to let jealousy take over, but it's hard. Seeing a group of women your age able to explore the world without having to think about where to sleep tomorrow and what to eat--of course the feeling of envy is there.

With your knees folded close to your chest, you rest your chin on your arms crossed above them. In the back of your mind, you wonder, if you could choose to disappear to one destination, where would you go? Japan? New Zealand? Or maybe to London? You've once read that the salaries of palace dishwashers are huge. If it's just washing dishes surely you can also do it, right.

The daydream slowly turns into a dream, the more you think about it, the deeper you fall asleep.

Sleeping on the floor without a pillow or blanket is not the most comfortable option. Moreover, because previously you had slept on an expensive and warm soft sofa, your body was dissatisfied and demanded more. Even though your common sense is still trying to think positively, the spa is still more comfortable than having to sleep under the snow.

"Miss. Miss? Excuse me, miss?" A voice woke you up.

You were already lying on your side when you opened your eyes. It was the spa owner--a woman in her fifties with her curly hair. The gentle shaking you felt earlier came from her gently moving your shoulder to wake you up.

"Oh... Is it morning already?" You asked while rubbing your eyes, not wanting to leave the warm spa just yet.

"Not yet, actually. But your phone has been vibrating for quite some time." She pointed at the vibrating phone next to you, "I thought someone might call you urgently."

As the spa owner excused herself, you thanked her a few times while nodding your head. Your eyes, which were still half closed due to sleepiness, immediately opened wide when you saw that there were more than twenty missed calls from unknown numbers. Unknown as in, literally no number is displayed.

"Private number..? This secretive stuff still exists? Creepy." Your face cringed but decided to pick up the call anyway.

"Fuck's sake, took you a hundred years to pick up a phone call." Said the voice you didn't recognize as soon as the call connected.

"I'm sorry?" From your tone clearly you were not pleased by how whoever that person is talk to you, "I should be the one feeling annoyed here. Disturbing my peaceful sleep-- Do I even know you?"

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