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🎵 the road - kim yoon ah

Snow decided not to fall today

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Snow decided not to fall today. Even without their presence, the wind alone was enough to make people bury their faces under their scarves. The soft smoke that escaped everyone's lips when they spoke, or simply breathed, showed how terribly cold this year's winter was.

Being outside in sub-zero temperatures is excruciating. As much as people want to get home as soon as possible, those who're on foot should not rush. The roads are slippery that it's not longer surprising if someone slips--and the other helps, stranger or not, it's the same thing.

Soaking in warm water is almost like a dream--That is, if you can afford a bathtub.

The last night shift had just ended fifteen minutes ago. It's almost ten o'clock in the evening, but instead you go to the opposite of your apartment. With a bulging backpack filled with cleaning supplies, you jog to your favorite supermarket on the next block.

They usually have big discounts on pre-heated packaged meals in the evening. As a company that upholds the value of only selling fresh items, they provide up to seventy percent discount for remaining items that they couldn't sell on the same day.

Most people who couldn't shop during the day come at night, usually because work hours have just ended. But for you--wherever there are deep discounts, that's where you'll be.

"I thought you wouldn't come tonight." The cashier said.

"I don't think I'll survive another day either." You sigh as you watch him scan the barcodes one by one. With each beep, your eyes rush to scan the price displayed on the screen.

"I actually got a coupon a few days ago. Since I'm feeling generous today, I'll deduct it from your total." He announced as he stopped to grab a coupon from his wallet. At the next beep, your eyes lights up after seeing the total decrease.

"After cleaning four houses of the shittiest people, you just made my day." You cries out playfully while handing him your card, "Thank you, Josh."

"Wish I could give you a better New Year gift." He chuckled as he put five packets of curry rice and three packets of chicken basil rice into a plastic bag.

"It's the best gift I've received." You skipped the part where he was the only one who gave you one, "I'll get you one too."

"No pressure. Besides, today is my last shift. I'm going back to LA for a bit to see my mom."

When you meet Joshua in his part-time place, it doesn't feel like he comes from a whole different background--He's also very nice compared to your coworkers. Sometimes you forget that he's much wealthier than you think. Working at the supermarket is just a side hustle while he's in college.

"Have a nice holiday with your mom." You waved as you walked out of the supermarket.

Obviously, work is tiring. Waking up at four after only a few hours of sleep is tiring. Seeing how bad your skin complexion had gotten is tiring. But, above all, the most tiring thing for you is when you have to walk back home.

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