Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Serina let out a sigh as she realized why he wanted to talk to her, because of what he had seen her do previously...he probably didn't want to see it again. Which meant that he was taking a precaution knowing that things will hit the fan quick once they get back to school. Serina balled her hands up on her lap looking down at her socks before she looked up at him sadly. "Do you really think things will get that bad? I mean...Sebrena will Finally be seen as the lying whore bitch she is. Do you really think people are going to blame me for what's happened?"

"Honestly I don't know, but I hope not. It is just a precaution Serina, I don't want to lose you. Seeing you as you were that day I found you...I...I don't think that'll ever leave my mind any time soon. I shouldn't have turned my back on you, I shouldn't have listened to her words. What happened was on me not you...I don't want to make the same mistake twice." Mako said sadly

Serina got up and went up to him before she placed her hand over his face. Quickly he placed his hand over hers. "'ll be alright I promise. I have you and Bo to keep me company. That's all I'll ever need." She said with a smile

Mako wrapped his arms around her tightly hugging her as he buried his face into her neck. "I love you so much, please...please never do anything so stupid again."

She let out a sigh and shut her eyes. "I promise I won't, I only did what I had because I couldn't talk to you. You were my everything...and she took you away from me."

He looked at her in the eyes for only a small moment before he kissed her on the lips, she happily kissed him back. Only for him to place her back first against his bed as he towered over her, she looked at him flustered as she placed her hands on his chest. "M-Mako...D-Don't go too fast with me...I...I don't want to end up like my sister." She said sadly

"Even after so much has happened to you, you're still so innocent aren't you?"

She averted her eyes not wanting to answer his question and get picked on by him. He kissed the top of her head softly. "Hey it's alright, I'm sorry if I went to fast for you. I didn't mean to pressure you. Did you want to cuddle?"

She quickly nodded her head, wanting him to get off of her so she didn't feel so awkward. He got off of her and he instead allowed her to get comfortable on his bed with him beside her. As he had his arms around her allowed her to lie her head against his chest. "Serina...did I really make you that uncomfortable?"

"It's not that you made me uncomfortable...I'm just not used to affection." She said sadly before she looked up at him. "It's going to take me time to get used to the fact that you truly love me."

"Alright...just let me know if there's anything I can do for you okay?"

"Okay Mako...I'll try to speak up about that type of stuff...just isn't a good time for something like that. I need my stupid brain to not be so stupid."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I...I've been having thoughts..really bad thoughts since we started being a couple, that this will end come school time. That you'll find someone smarter and prettier than me. That your love for me will fade away and I will be left in the dust like I'm nothing again..." She said sadly as she nuzzled her head against his chest

"I wouldn't ever do that to you Serina."

"I know...but because of what has happened in the brain doesn't think that you'll be true to me. Honestly until school starts up I don't think my brain will ever shut up about that factor." She said sadly

He made her look up at him before he kissed her on the lips. "I'll always love just you, there's no one else I'd ever want to be with Serina. I promise."

"I...I can't trust that your promise will be valid by school time." She said sadly

"Then I'll do what I can to make sure you can trust me by that time. I don't want you to think that I'll ever leave you. I never want to see you get so low ever again."

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