Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

When it came to dinner time for the small family, there was tense air around the table. The parents said nothing about the tense air around the table, nor did Sebrena who ignored it. Unlike Serina who was scared to say anything due to what had happened previously. She knew that Sebrena was out for her and didn't know what would happen to her if she spoke up about it. Unlike her brother who chose to speak up after being part way done with his dinner.

"Mom, dad have you both been keeping up on the girls school activities?" Neyo asked curiously

"Ah...well no. We trusted the girls to do well in school." Their mother said sadly

"I see, so you don't even know if Sebrena is going to college or if she's even passing high school then huh?" Neyo asked "You two always were up my butt about it I'm surprised you two aren't the same with the twins."

"We wanted to be sure that you were going to be alright on your own Neyo...that's all. You are our son, you mean so much to us." Their mother said sadly

"So should your daughters. Especially since one of them has been lying straight to your damn face for four years now making you forget you had three children instead of two. I get it if it was just a one time mistake but you two are making it rather hard for Rina to stay here or go to college anywhere close to being here." Neyo said seriously

Their parents looked at him shocked "What do you know that we don't?" Their father asked

Neyo looked at Serina "Mind if I tell them?"

She nodded her head with her fork in her mouth, Neyo then looked back at their parents. "Serina has already filled out and was accepted to go to college in England with me. So the moment she graduates she's probably not going to want to come back here to see either one of you two because of the bull shit that you two allowed to have happen. Serina shouldn't have had to do that just to prove a point or be around someone who she can trust."

Their parents looked at Serina shocked "Sweetie is that true?"

Serina nodded her head. "It is...I filled out everything last school year. I wanted to be sure that I went to the same place as big least he treats me right. He treats me like I'm his little sister. I know I can trust him and lean against him. I know he'll never forget me."

"Do you know anything about Sebrena's education Serina?"

Serina nodded her head. "Mhm...she's being held back to tenth grade for the third time. I'm surprised you two haven't heard about it. She is so darn dumb that she hasn't been able to do a darn thing right for her classes. Not to mention she keeps skipping out on different classes just to have sex with who knows who in the girls bathroom."

Both of their parents looked utterly shocked "So this entire time she's been failing her classes?!" Their mother asked

"Yes mother. It'll only be me who'll be graduating this year."

"How? How is that possible? We've seen things that Sebrena has come home with." Her mother asked confused

Their father sighed out and looked at Serina sadly "Sebrena would steal your work and write her name on it didn't she?"

Serina nodded her head. "You know it."

"Figures, she'd make you out to be the bad one of the two of you. I do apologize that you had to deal with this shit sweetie. If that's where you'd like to go to college then so be it. I won't hold you back and I know you'll be watched over by your brother so I have no worries about you being there." Their father said with a sad sigh

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