Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

When Mako had gotten to Serina's room door, he took a deep breath before he knocked on the door. He hoped that she wouldn't ignore him and allow him to talked to her even if it was for a small amount of time. It wasn't long before the door opened as Serina looked at him unamused. "May I assist you?"

"Uhm...yeah actually. C-Can we talk please Serina? I know things have been messed up since we were preteens but I want to make things right as much as possible."

Serina looked at him with a raised eyebrow before she took a deep breath and opened her door more. "We can talk, come in."

He walked into the room before she shut the door just a bit and going back to her bed once more. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I know I've messed up with you, I know that I chose the wrong sister to be around and that's completely on me for believing Sebrina over you. I'll admit that I was a dumb ass back then, but I can't rewind time and redo everything."

Serina was silent as she heard him speak, she placed her book on her night stand near the candle before she hugged her legs close to her chest. "So...what do you wish to do to just to save what little friendship we have?"

Mako took the invitation out of his pocket and placed it on her bed. "I first wish to invite you to my birthday come next week. I'm not having a lot of people there so you aren't going to be overly stimulated there."

Serina raised an eyebrow at him. "Just who exactly are you having there?"

"I had invited two males I had befriended named Mitch and Nile. They're the only ones that I know are going to be over for sure."

"You're talking about Mitch Nerose and Nile McGiver yes?" Serina asked

Mako nodded his head. "Mhm, I am."

"I'm acquainted with those two males. Last school year I had to do a science project with those two. They aren't too bad." She said before she let go of her knees and crawled to the bottom of her bed to grab the invitation with her hands. "This is going to be the first birthday I go to since you dun goofed."

"I'm well aware of that...and I sincerely apologize for how stupid I've been."

Serina smiled and laughed a bit. "You said it not me."

He rubbed the back of his neck flustered. "Hey it's just the truth Serina."

"I'm aware of it, I just wasn't going to call you out on it." She said with a smile "You'll defiantly see me there Mako...Thank you for this."

As she spoke she hugged the invite to her chest. Mako sat by her and placed a hand on her thigh. "I also wanted to talk to you about earlier and why I snapped at your elder brother."

Serina raised an eyebrow at him. "O..kay? There was a reason for it?"

"Yeah and I shouldn't have snapped with you right there."

"Okay explain please?"

Mako took a deep breath and he adjusted how he was sitting so they were facing one another. "Serina when you left my parents place I went to go look for you, I was more than concerned about you. I don't like knowing that you had left out when it was down pouring as it was. I knew my dumb ass said something that made you bolt out. So I wanted to find you to apologize, but in the process of doing so I ended up meeting up with your brother and father who were looking for you as well. It was your brother who had yelled at me for making you bolt out. He explained to me about your fear of thunder storms-which I never knew about."

Serina averted her eyes. "Of course you never knew, I am rather keen on people not knowing my weaknesses."

Mako made her look back at him before he spoke once more. "I know..and I know damn well that I made things worse for you Serina." He spoke sincerely to her "I never should have said what I had to you."

Serina teared up hearing him speak, but didn't say a word to him.

"After your brother found you and we came here your brother railed on me about you and found out from me what had happened to our friendship. He hated how I had been treating you and told me to fix things before it became to late, which is when you came by."

Before Serina could say a word the thunder was so loud and the lightning was so bright that it made Serina jump into Mako's arms as she screamed out in fear. Mako held onto her tightly as he rubbed her back softly.

"You're safe, you'll be okay Serina."

Serina sobbed out in fear as her arms and hands began to shake. "I...I hate storms like this so much!"

"May I ask why? Not that I'm trying to make fun of you for it. I just want to understand where the fear came from."

"I-I was f-fine with st-storms until w-when S-Sebrina and I t-turned six...T-That year w-we spent the summer at o-our grandparents on our m-mothers side. T-There w-was a really bad s-storm out and i-it was s-so bad t-that the lightning h-hit the house. I-I barely made it out. T-the lightning hit the electric wire near the house. I-I was the furthest from the exits s-since the others were playing a game while I was just reading in a different room at the time. I-If I hadn't heard Neyo tell me to get the hell up and jump out the window I wouldn't be here right now...I-It made me deathly afraid of storms since then." Serina explained sadly

"Oh shit...Why didn't you tell me that year about what had happened to you?"


"Ahn...gotcha. I wouldn't want you to deal with that too much. Are you gonna be alright now?"

She shut her eyes as she placed her head against his chest. "I...I don't know. M-My body w-won't s-stop shaking from fear and Anxiety."

Mako held onto her slightly tighter. "Would you feel safer if I stayed in here with you?"

She nodded her head quickly. "P-Please?"

"Very well, I'm going to need you to let go of me so we can lie on your bed properly."

She was rather quick to let go of him before she went to slip into her light blanket. Once she had let go of him, he took out of his pocket his mp3 player and headphones. He gave them to her with a small smile. "Why don't you listen to this so you don't have to hear the storm outside. I'll stay here while you sleep alright?"

"O-Okay...T-Thank you so much Mako."

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