Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

For the rest of the day Serina, Mako and Neyo all played games together until Serina got freaked out seeing the lamp turn on as it got dark out. "T-the power is back on now."

"Looks like dad was able to do something after all, let me get started on dinner now that we have power." Neyo said as he got up

"Okies, I'mma call ma let her know we have power now."

"sounds good."

Serina grabbed her phone and she called her mother as Mako sat by her and had his arms around her. Once her mother answered her phone Serina smiled. "Hey sweetie."

"Heya ma, I wanted to let you know that we have power now. Neyo just started dinner."

"Alright, well I just left work so I should be home soon."

"Okies see you soon."

"Yeah I'll see you soon."

Once the call ended Mako made her look up at him before he kissed her on the lips which made her smile before she placed her hand on his lap. "Not that I don't mind, but why?"

"You're my girlfriend, you'll get used to it." He said with a smile

"Huh...okay then. I have more interesting games in my room. Wanna play one of them?"

"sure thing."

The two of them went to her room as she left her room door opened. She showed Mako the games she had and he picked the one he wanted to play with her. Once she placed it in and they were playing Neyo went to check up on them only to see that they were playing a game together. Neyo was more than amused to see just how well they got well together. He was also happy to see that they were getting along with one another.

After a short period of time he went back to making dinner, as it came to be dinner time it was the trio, Sebrena and their mother. Mako wondered where their father was but knowing that Serina wasn't even asking about her father, he figured it wasn't that big of a deal. It wasn't until a bit after dinner Serina went up to their mother as she was doing dishes he heard anything about their father.

"Hey Ma, has dad contacted you at all?"

"Yes, he said he'll be late tonight. He's helping with getting all of the large logs out of the road. It's going to take a while before those things are taken out of the way."

"Oh, okay. I'mma be back in my room with Mako. He and I were playing Plants versus zombies in my room."

"Alright, remember my rule about that."

"I know, door open." She said with a smile

"Good girl."

When they went back to her room he raised an eyebrow at her. "You know your mother has odd rules for you and your sister to have for having the opposite gender being around you guys."

"That is only one of a few." Serina said as she placed the game back on


"Mhm, First rule is no big touchy touchy's till we are eighteen at the least. Second rule is until we are of legal age we must have our door open when in the room with the opposite gender if it isn't our broski. Third rule is that we aren't allowed to have more than three people of the opposite gender in the room at a time without the other or our broski in the room." Serina explained

Mako looked at her oddly "What the hell is with that last rule?"

"I don't know Mako, My parents were kinky bastards when they were younger? I don't fuckin' know." She said with a shrug "But Sebrena has abused the last one a few times which has made me sick to my stomach. It's why I call her a hoe."

Mako just placed his hands up "I don't want to know."

"I don't want to relive it so don't worry about it."

Mako laughed a bit and smiled as he placed a hand on the top of her head. "So your parents aren't gonna allow you to sleep over at my place anymore are they?"

"Dunno, depends on whether or not your parents will be there or not."

"My parents wouldn't allow me to have people over without them home."

"Hm...Let me go ask my ma real quick like." Serina said as she placed her controller down and went out of her room

She then poked her head out of the hall to the kitchen. "Hey ma?"

"Yes Serina?"

"Question for you."

"What might that be?"

"Say I get invited over to Mako's place for his birthday and it's a sleep over. Would I be allowed to sleep over there if his parents are there?"

"I know his parents are respectable people who wouldn't allow anything to happen to any of you kids. So I would trust them with you being there. So yes."

"Well...I was invited over to Mako's place for his birthday and it's a sleep over."

"You can go, you deserve to do something with yourself sweetie."

Serina's eyes lit up and she hugged her mother tightly. "Thankies so much!" She said happily before she went back into her room and tackled over Mako as she hugged him.

As she did he fell backwards which caught him off guard. "Whoa! Rina what the fuck?!"

She giggled as she smiled at him. "I asked my mother and she said I could be over at your place for a sleep over as long as your parents are there. She trusts them with me."

"So that's why you chose to tackle me over." He said with a low chuckle "You got over excited."

"Sorry." She said sitting up

"It's fine Serina, I'd rather see you happy than not." He said as he hugged her tightly before he kissed her cheek softly "No need to worry about it alright?"

"Alright." She said with a small smile

[Modern AU] The Forgotten [Mako love story] LOKOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz