Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

When Serina had been discharged from the hospital, it had been a week and a few days. She had been forced to call her boss to let them know that she wasn't going to be in work for a few days due to being in the hospital. Once she had gotten out, she refused to let anyone know that she had gotten out of the hospital. Instead she chose to do the walk back to the house in her socks, as she did it was raining which she didn't mind. As she got close to the street she lived on she saw many cars go passed her until one stopped near the corner she was walking towards.

She instantly froze as she saw one of the doors open that was close to the sidewalk. It wasn't until she saw Mako that she relaxed a bit. "Serina why didn't you let your parents know that you were out of the hospital? You are soaking wet."

She averted her eyes and said nothing, he sighed out and took her into the car where she saw his mother was driving. Beside her was Bolin who looked shocked to see her in the car. "Mako, I thought you weren't friends with Rina anymore?" Bolin asked confused

"It's hard to explain, but it isn't true anymore. I'm not friends with Sebrena anymore...Serina is still my friend..right?" Mako asked as he looked back to her

She nodded her head. "Mhm."

"We drive right past your parents place to get home Serina so I'll drop you off alright?" Naoki said with a smile

"T-Thank you. I...I greatly appreciate it." She spoke softly before she looked out the window

As she did Mako and bolin were talking about Mako's birthday, Bolin then placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey Rina, did Mako invite you to his birthday this year?"

She shook her head no. "Why would he, he and I haven't been friendly towards one another for years now?"

Bolin looked at her sadly "You really have been alone all this time haven't you?"

She sighed out and shut her eyes "Even so, I'll be fine eventually." She said before she opened her eyes

When Naoki had gotten close to the house she got out of the car thanking the elder woman once more before she shut the car door and went to the house door. As she got inside she saw her parents cooking, both of them stopped when they saw Serina drenched to the bone. Her mother went up to her quickly after placing her knife down. "My poor baby! You're soaking wet!"

"I'm fine, I'm going to take a shower."

"Go on, the rooms have already been switched Serina. I'll need you to be sure to let me know if you have everything of yours." Her father stated

Serina nodded her head and she went to what used to be her brothers room only to see her elder brother in the room. She stopped seeing him. "N-Neyo?!"

The raven haired male smiled seeing her "Hey there baby sis, welcome home. I was informed about what's goin' on here. I knew Sebrena was a cunt but damn she did you dirty."

Serina teared up and tackled him into a tight hug. "I've missed you so much brother!"

Neyo hugged her back and gave her a sad smile "I'm aware of that, I helped father with your things but I don't know if we got everything that's yours."

"I...I can figure that out after I shower. I...I feel yucky."

"I bet, Mind if I stay in here till you get out? I'd rather spend time with you than miss bitchy."

She nodded her head. "S-Sure."

Serina got her things for a shower before taking her shower and dressing herself, afterwards she took care of her clothes and went back into her room where she took inventory of everything she knew she had. Serina sighed out "I'm missing two stuffed plush cats, my play-station four and my four games that I play."

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