Group chatz

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(nothing that important happens in this chapter)

I felt the buzzing of my phone next to me in my bed but brushed it off before my curiosity got the best of me and I opened my phone. Which blinded me instantly. I winced and looked at the brung screen to see it was the glam fam group chat. I then looked at the time. 1 fucking am? The hell are they doing up.

 1 fucking am? The hell are they doing up

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I thought for a second

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I thought for a second. I'm already around a day behind on my project and I am already awake, so why not start the day off early. Very. Early. I got out of bed and rubbed my face. Minnow and emi were still sound asleep at the end of my bed so i snuck out of my room as quiet as possible. I walked to the bathrooms and took a warm shower before walking back into my dorm and changing into a Maroon short sleeve with a black long sleeve underneath and some baggy jeans along with a black beanie. I sighed as I looked at the body built on my desk. I definitely owed mei later. I sat at my desk and pulled up my tool box. I began making small parts with what little sleep I had and began screwing and pushing them together. I had to get the absorbent material latter but this would have to do. They looked like cuffs except the heels went under and out. Sort of like a weird cone shape. They didn't go very far out but they went far out enough that they would help him hold his ground. I sat there using what tools I had to get where I was more caught up. I was going to need to pull out the old sewing machine soon but I really didn't want to. plus this is a prototype. it doesn't need to be perfect yet. I didn't hear my door open but I felt feet shaking the ground. I turn around and look at who it is. it's chikao. I waved to him as he plopped onto my bed tiredly.


'why are you fucking up' he signed and I sighed.

'my 1A dorks woke me up' she signed back and he turned over on his side as he got under my covers. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my desk. I kept working until I was happy with how it looked so far. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes, but to no avail I didn't fall asleep. I got up and grabbed my cochlear and put it on. the sun was still rising so I checked the time and it was 3am. I walked into the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. I sat down and as I did I heard the door open to the dorms and I looked over to see mr.Dozzer walk in quietly. he stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed I was awake. he looked at the time then back at me. he gave a small wave and I waved back before eating more cereal.

"fucking kids these days" he said under his breath but because it was dead silent I heard him.

"I heard that" I said to him, not looking up from my cereal.

"no you didn't" he said walking into his room. I chuckled and kept eating. when I was done I cleaned my bowl and spoon and put them away before going upstairs to my room again and sitting in my bed crammed against the wall in between chikao. I just sat on my phone as I got a notification, from Bakugo this time.

 I just sat on my phone as I got a notification, from Bakugo this time

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I scoffed and laughed as I turned off my phone. I tossed it on my bed and laid down under my covers with chikao. I was definitely going to confront him about why he came to my room at 3 am but I could do that later. I layed there with my eyes closed and fell asleep only to be waken up three hours later. It helped but not that much. chikao shook me awake and I groaned as I sat up. I could see chikao moving his lips but couldn't hear anything. I went to feel my cochlear but it wasn't there. I looked over to my bed side table and tried to grab it but nothing was there. I groaned loudly and chikao looked at me. I looked at him and signed.

'i lost my cochlear' I said with a whiney face. chikao was used to this, sometimes I would accidentally sleep with it on and the would loose it in my sheets. I'd  find it eventually. and if I didn't I could make another one, i've done it a few times. I got out of her bed and walked out into the hallway so chikao could get changed. hed often migrate to my room so he kept extra clothes in my room so he didn't have to go downstairs to his room to get dressed. I sat in the hallway, waving to kids who were walking by. some I would give a nod to. chikao opened the door and stomped and I felt the vibration and looked up. he put his hand out for me to grab, which I  did. I was hauled up onto my feet and when I was up right I brushed myself  off. I nodded and gave chikao a thumbs up and he handed me my bag and we began walking to the school. as we were walking I created another cochlear and as I did I remembered my prototype. that infact did not have.

"shit!" the only thing I've said since we left. as I turned faster than iida and dashed back to my dorm. as I did I ran past a few of the class 1A kids. I think it was hagakure and momo. I could feel their eyes on me until I turned a corner.  I ran upstairs and grabbed my prototype. I sighed and shoved it into my bag. as I walked out of my room I saw chikao standing in the doorway of the dorm building.

"you could've just said you forgot something. now were both going to be late if we don't hurry." he said with a frown. I laughed and jogged downstairs.

"luckily you're friends with someone who was a creation quirk, bud" I said while walking past him to the sidewalk. I made a golf cart and hopped in. chikao cheered and jumped in soon after his little celebration. we drove down the side of the road and I saw hagakure and momo again. I slowed down next to them and chikao was closest to him. I kid you not this mother fucker said.

"need a ride ladies?" as he wiggled his eyebrows. I groaned and the two laughed before agreeing. I drove to the school and we all got out with five minutes until the bell rang. I gave chikao a hug before making the cart disappear and began running to class with momo and hagakure.

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