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I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

"Nice to know someone cares" I said walking over to a light switch and switching it on. The whole room lit up to reveal robots, walls with marks, dummies and a bunch of props.

"I don't care. Its my job as a hero to make sure your okay" he said rolling his eyes.

"You roll your eyes enough they might just roll away" I said smiling. I walked over to a door with a very thick price of glass on it. I walked in and entered a room that was basically empty except for an chair and a panel with buttons. I look out the giant pane of glass separating the test area from the office. I push a button as I pull out my note pad.

"Okay bakugo. Can you just pull a basic fire?" I asked. He smirked and made an explosion. I noted it down and asked him to hit the target to the left and so he did it. We we're doing random fires for a little then he got hot and took off his jacket.

"Well then. It seems like I get a show" I said while raising my eyebrows. He rolled his eyes then started walking over to the room. I opened the door and met him outside the room as minnow followed.

"We should head back. Class is about to end." He said walking away.

"Oh okay" I said while grabbing stuff. He walked out the door and I began to head towards the door but I noticed bakugo forgot his jacket. I grabbed his jacket and began to walk back to the heroes area. me and minnow were just walking through the hallways and the bell rang. everyone filed out of of their classes and it was overwhelming. I took out my cochlear. everything just melted away and it felt like stress just melted away. I walked over to the hero section of the school and found someone I recognized, it was kirishima. I ran up to him and I was out of breath. I panted like a dog. he laughed a little bit. I finally caught my breath.

"bakugo left this. can you give it to him please? I don't want to bother him." I said handing him the jacket. he took it and nodded his head. "thanks kirishima" I said standing up straight again.

"no problem! and please call me kiri" he said smiling and giving me a thumbs up. I smiled back and nodded my head. I waved good bye and started walking to my next class. minnow walked next to me and then nuzzled my leg. I looked down and she was eyeballing my back pack, she's hungry. 



she understood and we continued walking. we walked into the class and it was math. I sat in my seat. I looked through my backpack and gave her food. the girl next to me smiled at me. her name is Yuma Aoi. she started to sign to me. were are both somewhat deaf. she is partially deaf in one ear so she started to learn sign incase the other one just gives in.


'how is your day going?' she asked

'could be better.' I signed and then sighed. she looked sad about that.

'hope it gets better y/n, what do you say you come with me after school to see a friend of mine in the hero course?'

'you know what. why not' I signed while smiling. she smiled back and I put back in my cochlear because the class was about to start. I got through math surprisingly well and then I went to science which I am a GOD at. mostly because I have to use some sort of science when I design the support items. I walked out of the science class room and went to history class... needles to say I don't remember anything important but oh well I'm still passing with what I know. I went over to a girl in history that looked like she was struggling. 

"um hi. do you need help?" I said to the girl.

"oh hi! and yeah. I really do" she said giving an awkward smile. I helped her with the little knowledge I had then left to go my literature class. it was a sped literature class... I hate that class. I can speak perfectly fine but oh because I'm deaf I cant be in a normal class? dumb as hell. 

~~~~𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓹~~~~

I got back to the dorms and took minnow off the leash. I put her food out and got changed. into a semi comfy outfit. 

(the outfit)

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(the outfit)

I sat with minnow for a while and scrolled through my phone until I heard a knock at the door. I got up and walked to the door and opened it. 


'hey y/n, you ready to go?' Yuma was in my door way smiling like always. she is a ball of sunshine. literally, that's her quirk. 



Yuma can control most forms of light. taking it or restoring it. manipulating it making it dimmer or brighter, taking it from the source and firing at something else. it also works with fire giving that it it a source of light.

'yeah I'm ready. I have my cochlear in you know?' I signed while grabbing my bag.

'I know. I just need the practice' she signed then shrugged.

we started walking out of the dorm facility while signing. we got to a big facility and she texted her friend. I looked though a window and saw a big thing of tape shoot across the room. I jumped back out of surprise. ' I'm not even going to ask' I sighed. the door opened and all I saw was floating clothes. must be her quirk.

"oh my god hi Yuma! oh hello, my names hagakure." she said tuning to me.

"names y/n" I said smiling.

"nice to meet you! come in, come in" she said moving to the side. we entered and took off our shoes I looked around the room and it was hectic, but I saw people I recognized but then I noticed. this is the class 1A dorms. I braced myself incase I saw bakugo. hagakure and Yuma began to walk away and I just followed.

"OH MY GOD! IS THAT Y/N?" I turned around to see who said that and I saw mina. I waved hi to her and she walked over to me.

"y/n you know mina?" hagakure said.

"yeah I know a few people in here actually" I said looking at her.

"hey girlie! what are you doing here?" she said.

"well I'm here with my friend Yuma and we came to visit hagakure." I said smiling.

"wow that's cool, well I should go be and the Baku squad are hanging out right now. you guys can join if you want." she said smiling.

"that sound co-" Yuma was saying but then I cut her off.

"I'm good I kind of came to hang out with Yuma and hagakure. maybe another time though!" I said giving an awkward smile. she nodded and walked away.

"what was that about?" Yuma said.

I already have to deal with him for school. I don't want to have to deal with him outside of school" I said with an exhausted face. she laughed and we continued walking. we got up to hagakure room and it was very organized i sat in a chair next to a desk and Yuma and hagakure sat on her bed. we talked and joked for a while. someone knocked on the door and hagakure went and opened the door. someone entered and it was kouda.

"hey guys." he said standing next to the door. "they wanted me to come tell you food is ready if you want some." kouda is so nice.

"okay, we will be down in a second kouda" Yuma said and kouda left.



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