concotion woo

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I saw bakugo being tended to by recovery girl. He saw me and frowned. Chikao brought me to one of the beds. I sat down and looked around. Chikao went to go tell a teacher where me and him were. Recovery gir walked over to a desk and bakugo walked over to me.

"What happened to you?" He asked leaning on my head and I yelped in pain. He quickly moved and looked at me in concern. "What happened?" He asked again but this time more serious. I held my head and looked up at him.

"Something hit my head last night while I was asleep." I said looking away.

"Was it that other dude?!" He asked looking pissed.

"CHIKAO? WHAT NO!" I said sounding offended. Chikao entered the room fast.

"What happened?! I heard you yell" he said walking over to me quick. He looked at my head and hugged me.

"I'm fine bear." I said. Me and him have had these nicknames since forever. His favorite animal is a bear and mine is a chipmunk. (Just for the story. You can change it if you want.) He nodded and sat down next to me.

"You can go now bakugo." Recovery girl said and bakugo looked at her then me. He left after a second. Recovery girl checked me out and turned out I have a cuncotion. She said she while write a note for chikao to come with me to my classes. I looked at the time.

" we still have around 30 minutes until second hour so we can go to first hour" I said walking to class 1A. We walked in and mei ran to me.

"Omg y/n where were you?!" She said very loudly. I winced and then told her the story that aperently jiro, mina, kiri, denki, and kouta was listening to as well. I laughed and walked over to bakugo. I sat down and pulled out my note book. He looked over to me then back at his book he was reading. Chikao walked over and sat behind us. I kept looking over at bakugo's hands and sketched them so I could get an idea about how they worked. I started sketching over them. I looked at his feet and though for a second.

"Hey bakugo, where do you feel hurts the most after you use your quirk?" I asked turning to him. He though for a second then looked back at his book.

"My feet and legs hurt quite a lot after." He said turning a page in his book. I began to tinker with the sketches. I got it. I turned on my laptop. A support item that takes in the energy from the blast and obsorbs it causing less strain on his body. I am a genius. Chikao came over and looked at my sketch and smiled.he walked over to mei and they started talking. I turned my head and bakugo was right over my shoulder I jumped a little. He chuckled a little and then asked me to explain what it does. I explained then the bell rang.

"Bye bakugo see yah tomorrow" I said standing up.

"Yeah whatever see yah later" he said getting up as well. We walked out of the class, chikao following me. We walked into all of my classes and my head was pounding with pain. Chikao had other studies to do so he sat off to the side doing random school work. I got my stuff done quickly so I could nap but chikao wouldn't let me. We walked out of the school and kiri found me.

"EYO Y/N BRO!" he yelled from behind me. I turned around and saw him.

"Hey kiri! What's up?" I asked him as I stopped walking. He stopped once he was standing in front of me.

"Can me and and the squad hang at your dorm for a while? Were bored" he said enthusiastically.

"Sure I don't mind. Just text me when your on your way" I said smiling. He smiled back and nodded.

" thanks y/n see yah later " he said walking away. Me and chikao began to walk again he noticed I was tired and put me on his back. We jumped home in seconds and when we got home chikao and Yuma instantly started talking. I chuckled a little. They've like each other for ever and I've known I ignored it and walked up stairs to my dorm. I saw minnow and she came over and jumped on me. I laughed and took my cochlear out. I walked to my closet to get some comfy clothes.

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