35. Headline from Hell

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I'm toeing a damn fine line.

A line so thin it's practically invisible.

Which is why I find myself lurking around the hospital like a crazed stalker. This isn't the first time I've resorted to such tactics to dig up dirt from Carter's world. I won't sugarcoat it... it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

But this time, it's different. This time, it's about protecting him.

If I'm wrong about this and spill the beans... it'll be a disaster. It's his mom we're talking about. I can't expect him to take it lightly. Maggie practically shadows her every move. He trusts her implicitly.

I can't shatter his world without being absolutely sure, can I?

I mean... I could drop hints about my suspicions, but his father... I caught the look on his face as he exited the locker room. He'll jump to conclusions faster than a sprinter at the starting line.

And what if there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for why Maggie receives money from Robert?

Yes, I've turned over every stone, searched high and low... but just because I haven't found anything yet doesn't mean there's nothing to find!

So now, I'm left with no choice but to do what I'd prefer Carter not to do - expect the worst. I have to operate under the assumption that everyone here is a potential informant, ready to spill the beans to Carter's old man.

I need to find a quiet spot to have a chat with Maggie, away from prying eyes. Found myself a spot. A patient's room - one that happened to be on her roster. Pure luck, right?

Sure, just stumbled upon a coma patient and an empty room. Nothing suspicious here.

I'm hovering near the bed, restless, eyes glued to the door. She'll be here any moment.

Should I have flipped on the light? Well... it was off when I arrived, so...


My gaze flickers as Maggie enters, engrossed in her chart, a pen clutched in hand. "Alright, Mr-"

Then she spots me.

I plaster on my most charming smile - which, let's face it, probably looks downright unsettling - and give her a small wave. "Hey, Maggie."

Her complexion drains, body tensing, and I watch as she instinctively retreats. Not a great sign. "Addison."

Is she on edge because I'm acting like a total weirdo, or is it because she's afraid I've unearthed something I shouldn't have? I want to believe there's nothing sketchy going on. She seemed to genuinely care about Carter. I don't want that to be a facade.

"I need to have a word with you."

She studies me for a moment before shifting her attention to the patient lying behind me. "I think you're in the wrong room."

I exhale heavily, feeling a weight settle in my chest. "I need to speak with you away from prying ears."

"Addison - this isn't..." She gestures vaguely in my direction. "I know you're close to Carter. I can overlook your intrusion into someone's room, but I need you to leave."

Is that panic in her eyes? Or is it just me coming off as a complete lunatic? No, Addie, she's... she's involved in this somehow. "It's about Robert... Harris."

She remains silent, lips pressed into a tight line before finally shrugging. "I'm not following."

"It's about the money he sends you."

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