17. I'm gonna get away

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Jenna's right there, all eyes on me.

If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now. She's been giving me the silent treatment, which is a hundred times worse. Silent Jenna? Never a good sign.

We've been stuck side by side at the campus help desk for an eternity, and her gaze hasn't wavered. I've been dodging her eyes like a ninja on a mission.

As if I'd ever ask her for advice. Not happening.

"No, seriously, spill."

Here we go.

"What do you mean?" I mumble, keeping my chin propped up by my hand. Eye contact is the enemy; it'll shatter the fragile facade I've built.

"You're hiding something. I can smell it. Spill," Jenna demands, maneuvering her chair until it bumps into mine.

"I'm not."

Even I'm not buying my own crap.

"You're dodging me, not saying a word, and staring at everyone like they're the villain in a horror movie."

Close enough. What if Carter Harris waltzes in here and turns my life into a chaotic mess? Jenna's got a point-I've been scanning the room for potential threats like a paranoid spy.

"I'm fine."


Okay, that hurt.

"What the hell, Jenna?" I protest, nursing the back of my head. "Was that really necessary?" Maybe it wasn't a knockout punch, but the surprise factor played a big role.

"Spill," she repeats, undeterred.

I don't want to spill. I don't want to spill to anyone. Even if I did, it's a choice between a full-blown confession or some cryptic half-truth. Or maybe a flat-out lie. The way Jenna's digging in, it's clear she's not planning on letting this go.

"Okay... what if -"

"FINALLY!" she interrupts, celebrating before leaning in.

Smooth. "What if - what if I hooked up with someone I can't stand? What does that say about me?" I clear my throat, fighting the cringe.

Jenna snorts. "You wanna know if I think you'd be a total slut for jumping Carter Harris?"

Eyes wide, I protest, "Who said anything about-" I catch myself being too loud, scanning the surroundings before whispering, "Carter Harris."

Jenna rolls her eyes. "Come on, Addie. Who else? You never talk about anyone else, and enemies aren't exactly lining up for you. So spill, you wanna jump his bones? You think I'd judge you?" She shakes her head. "If I were stuck with him, I'd have done it ages ago."

Blinking, I frown. "Really... even though he's... Carter?" There's no other way to describe him.

She nods. "Why not?" she answers with a shrug. "He's hot. Angry, hate-filled sex is kind of the best. Not saying marry the guy, but why not have some fun?"

She's got a point. What's wrong with fun? Nothing. Well, for people who can have it - so, everyone but me. Hot or not, it won't help me climax. Then again... I've never been open about this with my partners.

For a one-night stand, not exactly a winning declaration. Let's do it, but I won't enjoy it. In a more serious situation, it's awkward. What if they bail? What if they think I'm not worth the effort?

Playing for More (Love on the Court - Book #1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum