3. Target Acquired

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"He called me a bitch. A frigid bitch!"

I pace inside the room of my dorm, walking the short length back and forth over and over again while Jenna sits on my neon pink comforter - the most budget-friendly option available at the time.

Beggars can't be choosers.

Jenna and I bonded during our first shift at the Help Desk, dealing with a particularly pissy student who had thrown a massive tantrum. We became friends after that.

Maybe Jenna decided she liked me when I sort-of maybe - only slightly messed up his semester's schedule. It wasn't hacking it was like - a system bug. It was!

Jenna is an Art History major with zero tolerance for nonsense. It's one of the things I admire most about her. Plus, Jenna doesn't fall for the basketball players as half the female population does. She'll be the perfect sounding board for my rage.

"The nerve of that guy! And he walked away! Where does he get off walking away?"

Jenna is looking at me, lips pinched but her eyes speaking volumes. "I mean... Addie, you went a little hard at him."

"He deserves it! If he didn't want to be known as a whore, he shouldn't act like one. Honestly, Jenna, out of all the things he could've said, he goes for that?"

Maybe I unknowingly tried my luck with a basketball player during my first year and word of my bad sex rep got it.

Damn it.

It's not my fault sex sucks.

Not everyone agrees, but my tally of four sexual encounters has left me feeling a bit underwhelmed. My high school sweetheart had once called me "uptight," which didn't sit right with me.

Sure, I can feel the heat of passion rising, but when it comes down to it... things never quite reach their peak. At the time, I figured maybe I was young and didn't know what got me going. Solo? Nothing.

It evolved to - maybe it was his issue, but then, during my first week at Crestwood...

Still nothing.

No fireworks, no earth-shattering moments.

Then, I tried the vibrators, the dildos, but - nothing. It feels nice and all but - above that?

Not even close.

But honestly, who has the time for that?

"What else was I supposed to do?"

Jenna shakes her head, black curls twirling, and her gaze focused on me as her blue eyes lite up. Even while she's sitting, I feel like she's towering over me since she's almost five-foot-eleven, while I barely crack five-foot-one.

Jenna doesn't know about my issues in the bedroom; it isn't a topic we've talked about. I'm not ashamed of it, but it's hardly casual conversation material. 'Hey, guess what? I can't climax.'

I abandon my pacing, standing before Jenna, who remains silent, her lips a tight line. I furrow my brow. "What?"

Jenna offers a shrug. "You're upset?"

I scoff, throwing my hands up. "Of course, I'm upset!"

"Because he called you a bitch—or, uh, a frigid bitch?"

I raise an eyebrow at Jenna's tentative correction. "Why else would I be upset?"

Jenna playfully pops her lips. "Putting that rather upsetting comment aside, he didn't exactly lose his cool when you confronted him, accused him of cheating, and proclaimed you'd manage everything on your own... based solely on rumors you'd heard?"

Playing for More (Love on the Court - Book #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ