7. Not a Virgin

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"Jenna, for the love of God - please stop staring at me."

Jenna, her curly black hair bouncing with excitement, plops down on the chair across from me in the campus library. Her grin, wide enough to make a Cheshire cat jealous, could mean only one thing – she's caught wind of the party fiasco.

Jenna's relentless curiosity has me rolling my eyes so hard I can practically see my brain. Why is this my life?

"Addie, you can't just drop a bombshell like that and expect me not to be curious," Jenna says, her eyes gleaming with that glint of gossip addiction. "Spill the beans, girl. Better yet, write me an article. If you did that, you'd have no problem getting one of your little pieces in the school newspaper."

I sigh, drawing it out for added drama. Jenna is like a bloodhound with a scent, and I know she won't be satisfied until she's extracted every last detail. The little newspaper jab?

Unnecessary. Then again - for appearance sake's I did submit a few articles. Denied pretty quickly. I'd have better odds if I hacked my name on the list.

"I didn't drop any bombshell," I deadpan. "I haven't said anything."

"When I suggested you grovel..." Jenna begins with a waggle of her eyebrows. "I didn't mean on your knees."


"I heard-"

"- the wrong thing, obviously," I cut in with an exasperated eye roll. "There's not much to say. Carter lost a bet and had to strip. That's it."

Jenna raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by my summary. "That's it? Come on, you're holding out on me. What happened after that? Did you get a private show? I heard he's huge."

My cheeks burn red and I bury my face in my hands. "God, Jenna, no! Of course not. We just went up to his room to talk, that's all."

Jenna leans in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Just talk? Seriously, Addie, you can tell me. I won't judge."

I'm not getting out of this one, am I? "Jenna, I promise you, nothing happened. We talked. We came to an understanding and... we'll be working together. He wins. "

Jenna leans back, her disappointment evident as she pouts. "Well, that's boring. I was hoping for some scandalous details. You're no fun."

"Sorry to disappoint, but my life isn't a steamy romance novel," I reply, shaking my head.

Jenna winks, undeterred. "Well, there's always next time. Maybe you'll have some juicy stories for me then."

Fat chance. As I see it, nothing good could come from hanging out with Carter. I'll keep our interactions to a minimum, and that's it. We hung out - which is a big stretch of the truth - once and ended up half-naked.

Glancing down at my phone, I wince when I see the time. "Talking about the devil," I mutter, my lips popping. "I gotta go to class. With Carter. And Thompson. Wish me luck."

"I think I'd prefer to tell you to have fun," Jenna replies with a grin as she watches me grab my bag.

Fun - that's the last thing I'm about to have.

I walk down the hallway toward my next class, feeling flutters in my stomach and hoping that Carter wouldn't show up. After all, he had what he wanted, and he hadn't even contacted me yet. Maybe he'd moved on to his next conquest.

But as I enter the lecture hall, a knot of tension settles in my stomach. Would he really skip the second class, or was he the type to push his luck? Scanning the room, I can't spot him or his buddies, which makes me sigh in relief.

Playing for More (Love on the Court - Book #1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin