11. Greasy Web

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Harry's Diner.

It's like Carter has gone out of his way to select the dodgiest spot in town. The neon lights overhead buzz loudly, casting freaky, ever-shifting shadows on the cracked floor tiles.

The booth we're stuck in seems like it has been repaired with duct tape more times than it should have.

Carter, the epitome of carefree, lounges on the opposite side of the booth, tackling a colossal, juicy burger like it's a dare.

I survey my limp salad and then shift my gaze back to Carter. I can't wrap my head around why we're here. "This is definitely not what I had in mind."

Carter flashes his signature grin, and I can practically hear the pride tone in his voice. "Not fancy enough for you, Foster? I'm disappointed. And you're judging me?"

I sigh, biting back the urge to roll my eyes. "I'm right in my element. You, on the other hand, look like a cat at a dog show."

Carter chuckles, his laughter resonating through the empty diner. "I'm not the one who ordered a salad," he points out before taking a mammoth bite out of his burger.

He's giving me emotional whiplash with his mood swings. He doesn't show up when I want him to, doesn't chase me when I cut all ties...

And now he's forcing me to hang out with him.

None of it makes sense.

I should just let it go, focus on something else, but... darn it, this girl likes a mystery. The shift to Journalism wasn't a complete 360.

"Because I'm not here to eat; I'm here to work. Plus, it's the most expensive item on the menu, and you're footing the bill, so..." If I have to suffer, it's going to be expensive.

Carter leans back in his chair, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Only here for my wallet. I thought you were different, Addison."

"Trust me, you'd need a fortune to afford me," I shoot back with a grin as I cross my arms in front of my chest. "Look. You dragged me here. I've been nice."

"I don't recall you ever being nice to me," he shoots back, using the back of his hand to wipe off burger grease from his chin.

I can't help but notice how Carter's appetite seems insatiable, and a wave of unseemly thoughts creeps into my mind. I find myself oddly drawn to the way he devours his burger, savoring each bite with genuine enthusiasm.

Seriously Addie?

Ugh, it's Carter, the notorious ladies' man. I forcefully shift my focus away from my indecent thoughts, hoping that my flushed cheeks don't betray my momentary lapse in judgment.

I've seen too many people naked since I started hanging out with Carter - it's getting to me. As I try to regain my composure, an unexpected voice pierces through our conversation.


I have no choice but to turn my head, spotting a waitress rushing in our direction, and though she's wearing the same yellow shirt uniform as the other girl, it isn't our waitress.

The various lines on her face betray her age, probably around my mother's age. Her short brown curls are bouncing as she closes the distance, her cheeks jiggling with each step she takes.

"What are you doing here? It's not your usual night!" she questions with a smile.

Her twinkling green eyes are so focused on Carter, she never even pays attention to me. But that isn't what catches my eye. Carter's transformation is what really catches my attention.

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