Coping Mechanism

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I look down at my lap, Lizzie has been tracing invisible shapes on my leg since the second we got in her car. I don't even think she's noticed it either. She asked if this car was okay for my foot, tapped my leg and since then her hand has been on my lap. Almost immediately she started tracing circles then stars then just turned into indescribable shapes.

Soft music is playing in the background as Lizzie hums along to every single word. I pretend to be lost in the moving scene in front of my eyes but I'm only paying attention to everything Lizzie is doing. The little hums, the singing, the stolen stares, to actually driving the speed limit and most importantly the smile plastered on her face.

My phone vibrates but I don't bother with it. After a small argument about not wanting the phone, I lost, and Lizzie won.

I tried telling her I didn't want the phone, that I didn't NEED it, but of course we both knew my argument was invalid and Lizzie wasn't taking a no for an answer. She said she didn't take all the notes from the guy selling the phone for me to just say no.

She helped me transfer the chip to the new iPhone so I could keep my same phone number and old pictures too. She kept saying I could just have a brand-new number, but I couldn't do that.

I couldn't lose everything my old shitty phone held for me, all the broken memories but memories, nonetheless. Brand new phone meant zero contacts, zero pictures, zero everything and the thought of wiping everything off gave me so much anxiety.

My phone goes off again and the music stops.

"Y/N!!!" I jump at the sound of my little brother's voice. My jump and the loud scream made Lizzie swerve the car and hitting her breaks hard.

"Fuck!" We both say, holding on tight as the car comes to a sudden stop.

"Y/N that's naughty," my little brother giggles and I look at Lizzie in confusion.

"Sorry, I forgot the guy connected your phone to my cars Bluetooth. I pressed answer instead of next song." Lizzie looks down at her steering wheel. "Here- I'll unmute him," she laughs as my little brother keeps screaming my name.

"Luca! Stop the screaming." I hear William's voice come closer. "Sorry hunny, he's been nagging me all day to call you." Will half laughs, I can tell by his tone he's worried he's interrupting something.

"It's okay-"

"Daddyyy let me talk wif me sissy!" Luca's screams come through the phone, and I hear Lizzie giggling at the loud ruffling of the phone.

"Sissy daddy said you're busy but but I've missed youuuuuuu and I wanna talkkkkkkk!" I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Lizzie is trying her hardest not to laugh at my little brother's enthusiasm.

"I've missed you too Zippy, hope you've been good for your daddy yeah?" I weirdly feel somewhat comfortable talking to my baby brother in front Lizzie.

"I'm a good boy sissy- daddy said for my birthday I get to wish for something very special." I was gonna ask about his special wish was true to his nickname, Zippy, he cut me off. "Don't tell daddy but I'm using my wish to see you or to get a drummer set," he laughs loudly, and my heart breaks a little.

"A drummer set is soooo coool!" I choke back tears, ignoring the first part of his birthday wish.

"Ahuh, but daddy said only one wish.." I can tell he is pouting by the tone of his voice.

"I'm sure if you wish really hard, you'll get best drum set in the whole entire WORLD!" I make sure to exaggerate, hoping it'll do the trick to make him smile.

"I'll be the best drummer in the world!" He cheers, and I feel my chest relax a little, it's so crazy something so small can brighten up a kid's mood so quickly.

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