Pillars made of Sand

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Just as promised Kimberley convinced Cheryl to let me stay in her dorm for the week. I don't think Cheryl really cared though. She pretty much already moved into our dorm from the very beginning. Sleeping over almost every night, I never mind it, she was never in my way for anything, didn't keep me up, it actually made things a lot easier.

The few nights Cheryl stayed in her own dorm she would always make us late for breakfast, and that'd make us late for class. Staying with Kim meant waking up early and being on time for our first class together.

We had developed a routine, always letting Cheryl be the last one to wake up and yet she would still bitch and throw a fit before waking up and getting ready. It's crazy, no matter how much sleep that girl gets, she is always a pain in the fucking ass in the mornings. The minute you feed her and get her coffee she is a completely different person. It never fails to amaze me how much patience Kimber truly has.

On the other hand, staying with Lizzie these past three weeks has been surreal but I wouldn't change it for the world. Most of this week I spent it in the dorm, working on my homework so I don't fall behind classes.

My foot is so much better and on Wednesday I was given the green light to start dancing. It's not much but I am happy I can finally dance a little. It's been hard not forcing my foot though; I want to catch up to Cheryl's speed as fast as possible, but I know I cant. I have to listen to my body when it's telling me to stop.

Every night Lizzie puts on the herbal cream Mama Cozy gave me along with a small foot rub. We've spent a lot of time together, more than usual. She has been ditching her friends to come chill with me in the dorm.

Part of me knows it's because she doesn't have her credit cards so she can't go shopping or whatever other stupid things her friends do. When she stays in we actually just chill, doing our homework together. She's even helped me with work from classes we don't have together. Lizzie is so incredibly smart; she wasn't lying when she said schoolwork comes easy to her.

Kim kept her word and took care of mine and Lizzie's expenses without Lizzie realizing Kim knew about last Friday night. She found a loophole of bringing us dinner every night without raising any suspicion from Lizzie. It also helped that Cheryl has been staying after school hours trying to bring her grades up. Apparently, economics is not her forte and even with Kim's help she failed the test. The teacher won't allow Kim to help Cheryl anymore, so Cheryl has to make up every missed assignment after class, under the supervision of their Economics teachers.

Nic has been in over her head finishing everything for the twins to approve or fix mistakes before the event. We haven't really had time to speak about what I will be doing but Kim had me sign some paperwork for the center and for the twins, I didn't question it. I just signed and let Kim deal with it.

I guess besides being hired by the twins, I am now also enrolled as an employee at the center. Scarlett didn't give me an option, she said she can see I care for the Center and wanted me to work for them. I hate that I'm getting paid every time I visit the center, even if it's just to drop off papers with Lizzie or bring donations with Kim.

Kim said next week she will have a bank account set up for me, but she needs my social security number and birth certificate. I've been putting it off knowing I would have to call my mother to ask for those documents and that is something I really don't want to do.

I don't have the mental capacity to call, every time I grab my phone to dial her number is an instant panic attack. Lizzie offered to call and ask for the documents herself, but I couldn't have my mom speaking to her. I can't risk my mom saying something stupid or something fucking mean.

My mom's birthday is coming up and I figured I would have to call her for that. I might as well wait and ask her for my stuff then. That way I don't have to hear her repulsive voice twice within the week.

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