
"Alright, Jess just left," Joe says, sighing as he enters our bathroom, looking around for something as I have Willa sitting on the bathroom sink in front of me, doing her hair.

"Jess?" Willa asks.

"Ms. Jess just went to go see her friends, baby, she'll be back later," I tell her.

"Be back?"

"Yeah she'll be back," I nod.

"Okay, so what time do you think you'll wanna head back here?" Joe asks.

"I'm really not worried about staying for fireworks if I'm honest," I sigh. "I'm too tired for all of that. I'd rather just go, eat, hang out, and then be back here and put Willa down at her normal bedtime. She's gonna need a bath tonight too, especially if she's gonna go swimming."

"Wimmin'!" she giggles.

"Yeah, baby, you gonna go swimming at Uncle Nick's?" I ask.

"Yeah," she nods.

"Sounds good to me, baby," Joe nods. "I'll go make sure everything's in the car, unless you need help."

I shake my head. "Nope, I'm good."

He nods. "I'll put her bathing suit in the bag, too."

"Sounds good," I nod.

Finishing up her hair, I then move on to getting her dressed in a red tee with her blue overalls that have stars all over them, finishing the look with a pair of red sandals.

"Look how cute you are!" I tell her, making her look at herself in the mirror. "Say, I am beautiful!"

"I am bootiful!" she tries.

"Say, I am strong!"

"I wong!"

"Say, I am smart!"

"I mart!"

"Say, I am loved!"

"I yuved!"

"Good job, baby," I tell her, kissing her cheek.

"Want daddy, mama."

"Daddy's downstairs, baby," I tell her. "Can you wait while mjama gets dressed and we'll go get daddy together?"

"Yeah!" she says, hopping in excitement.

"Yeah!" I copy, grinning as I go over and change into my own outfit, a red and white tee with dark blue maternity overalls. Joe's, of course, matching as well, wearing a red shirt and blue and white jean shorts. "Alright, baby, let's go."

I don't bother to put makeup or anything on, my hair is thrown into a bun, and at nine months pregnant, they're lucky I'm wearing anything but pajamas. We make our way downstairs as Joe walks back into the house, smiling at Willa.

"Look at my gorgeous girls!" he says, picking her up. "You ready?"

"Yeah!" she exclaims.

"Let's go!" he says, making her giggle.

I grab my large water bottle and follow them into the garage, climbing into the front seat and letting out a breath, laying my head back.

He chuckles as he climbs in. "You good, baby?"

"Yeah," I nod. "This baby needs to get out of here though," I tell him.

He nods. "I agree... as long as she doesn't come on Willa's birthday."

I nod. "Yeah, I don't want that either. I don't want to wait that long and I don't want them to share a birthday."

He chuckles. "To Uncle Nick's!"

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