Chapter 7: Space Ship!

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Only a day had passed since the ocean returned, and Lars requested a day off from Sadie to repair Greg's van as an apology for causing its destruction. Sadie was puzzled by the reason but granted him the time off as long as he returned to the shop later to help with preparations before the summer rush of visitors to Beach City.

Lars placed his hand on the van, closing his eyes as blue lines spread across its surface. After a few moments, they vanished, and Lars got to work, replacing parts like the hood, windows, and wheels. Repairing the internal frame of the van was relatively straightforward, but it would still take hours to complete, especially considering the damage caused by the water pillar's structure. Removing all the water from where it shouldn't be would also be time-consuming.

Meanwhile, Steven and Greg chatted nearby. Greg sat in a wheelchair with his leg bandaged, a result of Lars' refusal to allow Greg to use a makeshift solution like a board of wood and tape. Lars insisted on this approach to ensure Greg's leg healed properly without causing further internal damage.

Steven: Hey Lars!

Steven walks in, wheeling Greg on the wheelchair who was carrying a toolbox.

Greg: Zoop! I got something that will patch this van up real good!

He reached in his toolbox and pull out a... Duck-tape...

Greg: Well placed duct tape can patch anything up in a pinch.

Lars pop his head out of under the van, looking at the universe's.

Lars: A tape dont fix all problems.

He says with a sigh before going back under the van.

Greg: Well, gee, at least let me give you a hand. 

He tried to get off the wheelchair before he fell back, sighing.

Steven: Ah! Dad, be careful! 

Greg: Maybe I shouldn't have tagged along in that crazy adventure. But at least I got to spend some time with my fave guy!

Steven: What if you stayed with us until you got better?

Greg: Hey, that's a great idea! But, won't I get in the way of your training?

Lars: Just heal the man, if you can.

He spoke from under the van, before there was black smoke came from the back of the van as Lars grunts before fusing the pipe back together.

 Steven: Yeah! Mm-hmm! Here goes something new and exciting. 

He licks his hand.

Steven: And... go! 

Pats his saliva-covered hand on Greg's broken leg.

Steven: Okay, you should be better now.

Greg: Okay, if you say so. 

He once more tries to stand up, but fails again.

Steven: Why didn't it work?

Greg: Hey, sorry, buddy. Maybe you just need a little more practice.

Steven: But... I was doing so well before!

Greg: Cheer up, Steven! At least now we get to spend some more time together, right?

Steven: Y-Yeah, right.

Lars gets up from being under the van as his clothing seemed to be quite dirty as he wipe his cheek.

Greg: How's my baby looking?

Lars: Clearly worst then your leg.

He laughs nervously.

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