Chapter 16

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Ok I genuinely don't know what happened. I always transfer what I write from my notes app to here and there's never been a problem before. For some reason today is different.

I started to rewrite everything but I really want to post something and if I rewrite everything this isn't gonna post for another two weeks.
But yeah, it isn't proofread or anything and for some reason it's tiny and in black. Which I'm really sorry about but I don't know how to change it-if you do pls text me or sum.
3.k words.

(Back to your perspective)

You woke up to Bobby's yelling and quickly realized your head was still laid against deans chest, and his arms were still around you.

This was something insane for Bobby, sure he'd seen you two fall asleep on the couch, someone's head on someone else's shoulder but never you two cuddling in your bed. That was new.

As you got up you looked back and forth between Bobby and Dean. You couldn't help but notice the once angry red was now a deep purple, your heart could only drop.

You turned to Bobby, you looked to him but he was staring straight through you,
"Boy if you don't have a damn good explanation for this!!"

"Bobby it's not what it looks like I swear" he was practically pleading him to hear him out.

"Dad it's not-"
"Please sweetheart, we'll have our talk"

(This is me realizing I can't handle re typing almost three thousand more words.)

Dean sat still as you followed him out of your room and into the hallway.
"____, what is going on?" His voice was no longer mad, it was the same tone he used when you'd fall or get a cut.

"And please tell me the truth. I won't get angry with you, I'm just... I'm really confused right now and I'm not going to lie, I'm mad"

You felt your heart drop, thinking of how that might've looked. You felt ashamed and small as you folded under his devastating, expecting look.

"I'm really sorry dad"
"Sorry for what" "_____ I'm just confused... what happened-what is happening??"

He looked in your eyes for an answer, the best you could give him was,
"Nothing happened, nothing big. It's just, after last night Dean he-he was really hurting."

"And I was telling him that he was loved and that we all cared and then he said he loved me and I know he does because obviously I mean I've known him practically my whole life and I definitely care and so does he and it's not lik-"

"_____. Back to the point ok" his face now slightly stern and you felt worried as you continued.

"You're right, sorry" ... taking a deep breath, "he said he loved me, like was in love with me. Then I told him I loved him too, in the same sense, then he, umm" you didn't know how to say it, god what was he going to think of you after this.

"He kissed me... and I kissed him back" you whispered and let out a breath, when you looked at his face his eyes widened and his mouth fell slightly open, a look of shock.

"It was sweet and then we heard you coming back inside and it was over. Then we-went-up-stairs-and-Sam-went-to-bed-so-we-talked-about-it-and-it's-real-dad-I-really-really-love-him-and-I-trust-him-I-mean-he's-like-one-of-the-most-important-people-to-me-and-he-feels-the-same-way-and-"

"Sweetheart please I can't hear a word you're saying" the still, gruff look he was sporting was now gone and he just looked confused.

"How long has this been going on??" The was almost a scowl before he changed his look.

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