Chapter 13

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Ok so after that super long last chapter this one's way shorter dw. It's just short of 2.k words but ⚠️TW for parental abuse⚠️.

Besides that it gets cute towards the end.
Also I've re-read this like 100 times so if you see a spelling or grammar error pls tell me lol.

It was a week later and thankfully John and the boys were still staying with you and Bobby. Well the boys were, John decided to get a motel room because he needed 'space' for a few days.

It was currently 2:54 am, the TV was playing old reruns of jeopardy, you were upright on the couch, Sam's head in your lap, and Dean was leaning on you, all asleep.

Time ticked by and around 4 you woke up to a rattling sound. You closed your eyes assuming it was the possum that rummaged through the trash, until you heard a bang. More specifically the sound of someone knocking off a doorknob. You quickly turned your torso, which caused Dean to fall, you caught, and shook him.

In a whisper like yell, "Dean, Dean, DEAN WAKE UP" his eyes snapped open and he looked at you,
"What, I'm up I'm up."
"I think somethings breaking into the house"
"I'm serious I heard it, it's out front" "I think it broke the doorknob"
"What the hell, who in their right mind would break into Bobby's??!?"
"What if it's a... something."
"Shit you're right, I'll grab my knife you bring Sam up to Bobby's room and wake him up"

As Dean stood you slowly scooped Sam into your arms, he stirred but his eyes didn't open. You quickly went to Bobby's room making sure to not hit him on anything. You opened his door and went to the side of the bed.

"Dad... dad... DAD!"
After yelling Sam flinched awake and you set him down.
"What's going on??"
Bobby also woke up and was now upright.
"What is it ____?"

"Somethings trying to break in" "I woke up Dean when I heard it breaking the door, he's checking it out right now"
"It broke the door?" There was clear concern on his face, "do you know what it is?"

"Ok you and Sam stay here I'll be right back."
He left the room and Sam started asking questions.
"What's going on?" "Is something here?" "What's Dean doing??"

"Hey, it's ok Sam calm down, whatever's going on Dean and Bobby have it handled"
"Ok but what's going on" he was pacing back and forth.
"Something, or someone was trying to get in the house"

"What like a vamp hyped on vengeance??!?" He was stressing big time.
"Or just a drunk guy"

"Bobby hasn't come back and it's been two minutes and 37 seconds"
"Sam you need to calm down" you held him by his shoulders and made him look you in the eyes.
"I understand you're worried and that's so ok and you're right it- it's weird Dad isn't back. I-uhm, should we go down there?"
"Uhhh, crap ok, but you have to stay behind me ok"
You sighed and let go of him. Making your way through the room you grabbed a gun, and two silver knives, handing one to Sam and pocketing the other.

Fixing your grip on the gun you found the silver bullets and loaded it. Making sure you had a good grip you slowly left the room making sure Sam stayed behind you.

You made your way to the living room when you saw Dean. He was standing there, completely still, that's when you heard the yelling. It was Bobby, he was angry and in the kitchen, you let the gun 'fall' to your side as you made your way to Dean.

In a hushed tone, "what's going on?"
For some reason he wasn't looking at you, his head was turned. You put the gun down and started moving Sam toward the couch.

"Ok, everything's ok. Sit here while I talk to Dean alright."
"Ok ____"

Moving back to Dean you focused in on Bobby's voice. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING??!"
You asked again, "Dean what's going on, who's he talking to?" He still wasn't looking at you.

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