Chapter 10

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Ok so totally honesty I think I might've made too much, like I made new characters and some more story behind the person y'know. And I was on a "writing roll" so I decided to just chop this in half and finish the rest later. It's still super long tho soooo :,). Also also there's no 'real' Dean or Sam, like they don't show up but the next part is gonna be like all about them <3.

Ok another thing, the ————- are to differentiate the moment or like times, it's a little time skippy but towards the end it all in like a few days/week.

As the months passed you missed the boys more and more. After they left in February you simply did what you did almost every time they left.

You thought about what it would be like next time, what you and Sam or you and Dean could do together, how you'd make the most of your time with the boys. You'd think of their smiles and Sam's excitement when you'd go out for ice cream, or openly get him something. And considering you did a lot of babysitting you had enough to buy him books and other treats.

You assume with the way the formatting of their visits through out the past years, you'd see them again in 3-4 months or less.
So you decided whenever you saw something that screamed Sam you'd buy it considering his birthday was two months away.

Little did you know on almost the opposite side of the country Dean had started saving up money to buy something for your birthday, considering he could never get a real job he just saved the extra cash from John. Also assuming he'd see you before June (your b day) he decided he wanted to get you something nice for your sixteenth birthday.

As time passed so did Sam's birthday, then eventually yours. Dean felt bad about not being able to give you the gift he'd been able to save up for.

It was a lovely necklace that reminded him of you. It had gold beads with silver and while pearls, was short so that it laid on the base of your neck, had a twisting clasp on the back.

He'd thought about putting in on you many times in his head. He thought of your reaction and if you'd like it. He even got a sleek bag for when he'd give it to you. When he bought the necklace he was by himself, Sam soon found it and asked over and over why he had it. Eventually Dean just said,
"Jesus Sam it's a birthday gift for ____"
Sam's face just turned to an :0 "ohhh, why didn't you just say that?" then he walked away.

Dean thought of why he didn't just say that, why he felt embarrassed of the fact he bought you something. Then just the thought of you slowly made heat creep to his ears.

By the time you saw the boys again you had accumulated a bunch of gifts for not only Sam but Dean as well.

Throughout the time you didn't see then you'd buy things that reminded you of them. Cool leather braided bracelets for Dean, education books or 'toys' for Sam, etc.

When you realized you wouldn't be seeing Sam for his birthday you asked Bobby if he could call John.

He called but the phone never got picked up, no one ever answered.

Six months after they left you'd find yourself daydreaming in class, thinking of the hunts Dean might've gone on by now, his story's of him and John.

Sam going to a new school, maybe making more friends than usual. You couldn't help but hope they were both happy.

It was August now and the start of the school year, you were getting the hang of new classes and making more friends.

Finding people to sit with at lunch, others who'd study with you, people who liked the same things as you, etc. By the end of the first month of school you had your pre existing friends and a whole new group of people to laugh and hang out with.

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