Chapter 5

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Lucky for you and good timing on John's part, it was towards the end of Friday (I'm pretty sure we're in the school year during this) so you had all weekend.

You had friends, at school and at home. Often going over a house or two to play.
But, thinking back you didn't have a lot of boy-friends. It was mostly girls, so you were excited that you'd get to play with Dean, and the cute four year old Sam. He was like a little baby but safer to play with.

John left almost immediately leaving you all standing in silence. It was almost 6 so you knew dinner would be coming soon.
"Dad, what's for dinner"
"I'm gonna make some chicken Alfredo" "do you boys like chicken Alfredo?"

Sam looked confused,
"What's that?"
"Don't worry you'll like it Sammy."
"Ok Dean"

Bobby knew that Sam had been on the road with John his whole life. He knew Dean was a normal kid before the accident. The fact that John didn't cook a lot of actual meals sadly made sense.

"Yeah my dad makes some really good chicken Alfredo you'll see... hey do you wanna see the house. I can give you a tour"
"Sure that sounds fun"

Bobby, thankful you were already getting along, "have fun sweetheart" as he walked to the kitchen.

You walked over to Dean noticing he had his shoes and coat on still, same with Sam.

"You can put your coat and shoes over here" "here Sammy do you need help with your shoes?"
"Yes please"
You laughed and helped him out of his shoes and coat. When you got done Dean was waiting.

"Thanks for helping him."
You just smiled back,
"Ok so downstairs is the living room which is kind of like a library, my dad has a lot of books, it's also where he does paper work sometimes so try not to touch anything that looks important. There's the kitchen and down this hall is a bathroom."

(I'm using this rn)

You did a walk through of the first floor, after getting to the stairs "there's an upstairs and downstairs, but I never really go in the basement" In a whisper to Dean "I think it's scary down there"

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You did a walk through of the first floor, after getting to the stairs "there's an upstairs and downstairs, but I never really go in the basement" In a whisper to Dean "I think it's scary down there"

"Scary?, why what's down their"
"I don't know, but it's dark and cold and it feels scary. So I don't go down there."
"Your such a girl, it's probably nothing"
"Hey what's that supposed to mean?"
"That you're a scaredy cat"

"Wow you are such a boy"
"Well what's that supposed to mean?"
"That you're mean, and think your not scared of anything"
"That's cause I'm not"

"Yeah ok, you're probably scared of the least scary thing ever"
"Yeah well you're scared of the dark"
"No I am not"
"Yes you are"

Huffing you walked over to Sam, "do you wanna see the upstairs Sammy?"
"Ok let's go" with a smile you held his hand as he slowly went up the steps.

After a few steps you looked back to see Dean just standing there.
"You can come if you want, you just can't be mean."
A slight frown formed on his face
"I wasn't being mean"
"It felt like you were, but I get it if you didn't mean to be" now he had a questioning look
"Just cmon already"

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