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Geneviève Winslow

Men are easy.

Anton Pierre is easy.

I tease him with a show that I'm sure he enjoyed, and he doesn't even have the decency to reply to my message but that just tells me he's more affected by me than he wants to show and by the end of contract I'll make him show it.

I didn't care that he didn't reply since I only wanted to tease him, it gave me great pleasure to know that he was bothered by me. I was curious to see how he'd act in my presence the next time we see each other.

He did send a message that a guard will be following me. I remember telling him that I'd get my own guard, but I didn't want to get into an argument with him since I felt that this day would be a good day, so I didn't even bother to reply.

Standing in front of the mirror, I was happy with the outfit that I wore. I was heading to my brunch meeting with Loraine Lawrence. In a couple of weeks, she'll start her tour and I was designing most of her sets.

I'm glad that I didn't ship her fits with the ones that are missing. The team back home is working on it before they fly over to Paris to finish the last touches. I hope that I'll get my clothes by then I didn't want to worry my team.

She has seen the drafts but since we last talked there have been a few changes to the fits and since she's stopping in Paris before heading to London for the first stop, we thought it be nice to meet each other face to face and discuss a few things before the team finalize and ship everything.

A beige dress that was tight around my bust before losing up as it stepped at my knees, I wore heels but at the end of the day I'll curse myself for this decision, but beauty is pain. I grabbed some jewellery to elevate the look. Gold earrings, gold watch, gold bracelet and some golden rings. I grabbed a Bordeaux bag to put some essentials in it.

As I opened the door of the room, I let out a shriek when I caught the man in front of it. A muscled man in a fitted suit, "what the fuck!" Blurted out of my mouth. The man faced the opposite wall but at my noise he looked at me.

"Miss Winslow."

I took the man in, he seemed of mixed heritage, but I had no clue with what but something mixed with black. I took a quick notice of his good looks; curiosity filled my mind then. He had some time to hurt or abduct me, but nothing happened so he's not a bad man, I'm assuming, and he knows my last. He still scared me.

"Omar Yusuf." He nodded, "I'll be your personal guard during your stay in Paris." He continued. He seemed around my age, but I couldn't guess the exact one.

"Anton's work I guess."

He looked uncomfortable, "yes, my boss stationed me here." His accent was endearing.

"Guess, we're stuck together!" I told him with a smile.

He had a job to do, and I had a job today.

Heading out of the hotel, he walked behind me, "will you be taking the same car as me?" The driver that I've been using in Paris was already parked in front of the hotel. From our first meeting until now, he has certainly improved.

"I won't be taking the same vehicle, but I'll need to check inside for a minute."

"I have been using the same car, there's nothing to check."

"Boss' order." A breath left me, I gave him a go ahead and watched him as he did his job. I know how Anton is, so I won't hinder Omar with his task. With swiftness he controlled the vehicle before giving me the go-ahead to sit in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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