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Derek stood outside the hall. His hands shook as he thought about seeing the Argents. Would Kate be there? He didn't want to find out.

"Derek," Stiles' voice spoke urgently behind him.

Derek turned, and before he could say anything, Stiles was hugging him. Derek wanted to pull away. Should have pulled away, but instead, he simply hugged him back. Burying his face into the crook of his neck. There were only a handful of castle guards nearby.

"If you don't want to go in there, I'll go alone. We can say you're still injured from the attack," Stiles said, pulling back.

Derek pressed his lips to Stiles quickly. It was a brief press of lips. A risky move out in the openness of the hall. But he knew anyone important was already in the room.

Stiles' worried expression turned to one of endearment. "What was that for?"

"Because you literally have to explain why you're thrusting your kingdom into war, and yet you're worried about me seeing the Argents." He trailed a finger along his chin. He looked much healthier and walked with ease. Though Derek could still faintly smell the magic on him from his treatments and the salty scent of a fresh wound.

Stiles frowned. "You shouldn't have to see her if you don't want to. I don't know if she's here but—"

A voice cleared their throat behind Derek, making him and Stiles pull apart abruptly.

Derek's shoulders relaxed when Boyd stepped up.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Your Highness, but you two are expected."

Derek glanced past Boyd to the large ornate double doors.

"If it helps, she's not here," Boyd added with a hopeful smile.

Derek closed his eyes, relief flooding over him. "It does. Thank you."

"Derek, if you don't want to do this, you don't have to. I'll insist." Stiles reached out, his fingers brushing Derek's like he wanted to hold his hand, but he didn't.

"No, it's okay."

"I'll be right beside you."

He met Stiles' eyes. "Thank you."

Boyd stepped ahead to pull the door open. Derek followed behind, but Stiles threaded their fingers briefly halting him.

"I love you," he said, a hopeful look on his face.

Guilt twisted Derek's stomach. He wanted to say it back. It was true, but he was only going to break Stiles' heart.

Stiles released his hand with a dip of his brows, though he tried to smooth them out before it was noticed.

"I love you too," Derek whispered. He turned away as a relieved smile spread across Stiles' face.

He would never forgive himself for hurting Stiles, but it was either him or his sister.


The room was loud despite the small number of people. Derek had only been to one court meeting. It had been when his mother took over after his father's death. This meeting was less melancholy and more hostile. Tempers were high, and accusations were already being thrown around. He heard Queen Victoria scoff at their tardiness. Princess Laura curtly reminded her that they were still injured from the attack, which Victoria was about to deny when King Christopher stopped her.

Despite knowing she wasn't there, his eyes scanned for Kate. As Boyd said, she wasn't present. Allison, however, was, which struck him as odd. Why would she need to be here?

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