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Stiles carefully made his way to Derek's room. He had insisted to the guards that he just needed to stretch his legs and that he was perfectly safe walking the halls alone. Despite the pain that wracked through him, he made his way slowly down the hall.

Boyd greeted him with surprise. "Prince Stiles, you shouldn't be out of bed."

"I'm okay. I was hoping to see if Prince Derek would join me for a walk in the garden." Derek had declined him every night of his stay. He hoped now that something had changed between them, he'd finally agree.

"Stiles." Derek appeared beside Boyd. He looked worn. His eyes were dark, and his face was pale. "You should be resting."

"I'm fine—"

"No, you're not," Derek cut in. "You're in no shape to be up and about. We have a long few days ahead of us. You'll need your rest."

Stiles frowned. Derek was being too proper. Speaking to him like his mother was watching. "I was thinking of getting some fresh air, I hoped you might join me in the garden."

Derek's expression seemed to pull into frustration. "Not tonight. You need to rest."

Stiles opened his mouth to object, but Derek spoke again.

"Boyd, will you see that Stiles makes it back to his room, please?"

Stiles' shoulders slumped. He took Boyd's outstretched arm and allowed himself to be escorted down the hall. When he was sure he was far enough from Derek's room, he asked, "Is Derek upset with me?"

Boyd seemed surprised by the question. "Not that I'm aware of."

"I just feel like I don't know how he feels toward me."

Boyd patted Stiles' arm. "Derek isn't used to friends."

"Friends," Stiles sighed at the term. He wondered if that's all Derek wanted from him, to be friends. Then why admit that he had fallen for him? Maybe he was just scared. After all, the last person who tried to pursue him killed his father and had attempted to kill him and his sister. He could be patient with Derek. Even if it was difficult.

Boyd turned to him as they reached his room. "I hope that you know Derek's heart is in the right place. Even if he struggles to show it."

Stiles smiled. "I know."

He watched Boyd leave before making his way back to bed. He would have another dose of medicine coming in a few hours. Maybe he could get some sleep before then. The medicine was painful despite the fact that it worked so well. He lifted his shirt with a grimace at the pinch in his shoulder. The wounds still looked raw and jagged, but they looked much less fresh. The rest he managed wouldn't be comfortable, but it was worth it knowing that Derek was alive.


Derek took his breakfast in his room, claiming to feel tired. He just wanted to be alone. He'd spent half the night trying to work up the courage to tell his mother that he was in love with Stiles. He had decided he would talk to Cora first. Maybe she could help him. Maybe they could speak to their mother together.

He reached her door and paused when he heard hushed arguing inside. He was going to come back later when he heard his name.

"Derek isn't upset with you. I know my brother, and he would never—" Cora was cut off by Lydia's voice.

"I know he's not, but it still feels..." her voice trailed off.

Derek leaned in. He knew Cora would kill him for listening, but he was curious.

"You think I don't feel guilty? I'm his sister," Cora huffed. "While my head was between your thighs, he was being attacked."

There was a beat of silence. Derek decided to take that moment to interrupt. Maybe he could speak with both of them.

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