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Derek leaned on his dresser, staring at his reflection in the mirror in front of him. His hair was in disarray from Stiles' fingers, carding through it. His lips still tingled with the feeling of his kiss. He'd wanted more, but he couldn't help but be ridden with guilt. He was only setting Stiles up to break his heart.

A knock on his door had him straightening up.

He answered to see his mother.

"Mother," he said, his tone wavering with nerves.

"Are you alright?" She asked, her expression soft.

Derek was far from alright. He was a wreck, but he didn't know how to tell his mother.

"I'm...rattled, but fine."

Talia nodded. "I am sorry you had to do that, but you did well."

"I couldn't have done it without Stiles." Derek' found himself saying.

Talia's brows raised.

"He's much better at that sort of thing, and he... I feel comfortable with him. He made it easier." Derek dropped his eyes to his shoes.

"I'm glad to see you've made a friend. The Stilinskis have been dear to our family for some time."

Derek swallowed. His hands shook by his sides as he opened his mouth to ask, "Mother, do you think you'd ever allow me to break off the engagement with Lydia?"

All gentleness was gone from his mother's tone immediately. "Derek, we've had this discussion before."

"But what if I wanted to marry someone else?" Derek met his mother's sharp glare.

"What is with your obsession with the Argents? Have you forgotten what they've done?"

"It's not that." Derek shook his head.

"I don't understand why you let your guilt control you. You don't give yourself to the enemy to obtain peace. I know you think it will help, but I assure you—"

"I want to marry Stiles," Derek blurted.

Talia blinked. "What?"

"It would be a good alliance." Derek knew his mother wouldn't care if he was in love or not. Maybe if he played the political side of things, she would go for it.

Talia sighed. "You're sweet, Derek. Looking out for your friend. But it is between King Noah and Prince Stiles as to whether he marries Princess Allison. We cannot involve ourselves."

Derek's shoulders slumped. "I can't stand Lydia, mother. She bores me. Stiles is—"

"Enough," Talia snapped. "I will hear no more."

Derek's jaw clenched.

"Get some rest. You've had a long day." Talia's tone was still tense.

Derek didn't respond as she left.

He didn't know how to convince her. If he couldn't get out of his marriage with Lydia. He needed to tell Stiles.

He made his way to Stiles' room and knocked.

"Prince Derek," Kira answered the door.

"Is Stiles available?"

Before Kira could speak, he heard Stiles say in a quiet tone, "No."

Derek's chest pinched.

"I'm sorry, but Prince Stiles has asked to be left alone. He needs his rest." She said without skipping a beat.

"Is he alright?" His not wanting to see Derek was a stark difference from their moment in the Library only hours before.

"He's had a trying day, is all."

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