A Scene

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Derek woke much earlier than he'd intended. But he didn't sleep well in new places. The scents and sounds were all wrong. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon when he woke. The birds only just started their morning song. He took his time getting up. The bed, while not uncomfortable, wasn't like his own. His back was stiff, though he could probably chalk it up to the fact that he rode rather hurriedly with no saddle the night before.

He didn't bother to wait for someone to assist him with his outfit. He managed just fine on his own. The books on the desk pulled his attention for the next hour and a half before a heavy knock sounded on his door.

Derek opened it to see his mother standing with her hands clasped in front of her—a pinched expression on her face.

"Mother." he glanced behind her to see she was alone.

"Glad to see you made it back to your chambers." Talia smiled tightly.

Derek swallowed.

"I heard you caused a scene in the stables last night."

Derek should have guessed she'd hear about that, though he'd like to wring the neck of whoever told her.

"No scene." Derek shook his head.

"I asked Vernon about it. He said you stepped out for some air and startled the nice stableman."

"I dressed down so as to not pull attention. He didn't realize who I was and called for help. Boyd cleared it up, and I went to bed. A simple mistake. Nothing more." Derek stood straight, his arms pulled behind his back.

Talia's glare stared through Derek. He'd gotten very good at lying to his mother despite her being able to listen to his heartbeat. He'd practiced keeping it steady for years.

"Good. Perhaps next time, don't cause a scene at all."

Derek gave a curt nod.

"Since you're dressed, why don't you escort me to breakfast." She held out her arm expectantly.

Derek glanced over his shoulder at the book he'd been reading and sighed. "Of course." He took her arm, and she led them toward the dining hall.

"Where uh, where is Boyd?" Derek dared ask. He hoped he hadn't gotten him in trouble.

"I've given him the morning off. I told him you'd be spending time with me. He'll be busy enough this evening."

Derek fought to not slump in disappointment. Whatever his mother had planned for him, he doubted it would be any fun.

Derek and his mother were the last to arrive at breakfast. Laura and Cora were already seated and waiting.

"Morning Derek," King Noah smiled warmly as the pair sat down. "I trust you slept well?"

"Yes, sir, thank you."

"Very good. I hope my guards didn't give you too much trouble last night."

Derek swallowed. Nothing was secret here, apparently. "It was my mistake. I should have announced myself. I didn't mean to cause a scene." He smiled apologetically.

King Noah waved a hand. "Oh, it wasn't a scene. Nothing Stiles hasn't done either."

"Is he feeling better? I see he's not joining us." Talia pointed out the absence at the table.

"I insisted he rest for the day. He'll be at the ball tonight, though."

Derek noted the tight smile on the king's face.

"Wonderful. You two will love Stiles. He's very charming," Talia said to Derek and Cora.

Cora smiled. "I'm sure he's lovely."

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