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Derek flopped onto his bed, glad the evening had come to a close. His feet ached from being on them so long. His head throbbed from the loud music. But worst of all, his heart ached from the pain of meeting Stiles.

"You okay?" Boyd asked, standing at the door. He knew how much Derek loathed these parties, but even he saw how this one had taken its toll.

"Do you think someone of high status can be genuine?" Derek asked, staring up at the draping fabric of his bed.

"You are," Boyd answered.

Derek sighed.

"Is this about Prince Stiles?" Boyd asked.

Derek jerked his head toward him. "How did you know?"

"You two spoke several times before you eagerly avoided him for the remainder of the evening."

Derek sat up. "He's the man from last night."

Boyd's brows furrowed. "From the tavern?"

Derek nodded.

A sympathetic expression replaced the confusion on Boyd's face. "He knew who you were."

Derek nodded again.

"You thought he was genuine."

Derek blinked back the tears that sprung to his eyes. "Worse. I fell for him."

Boyd raised his brows.

"I kept thinking about him all night, and all day and then..." Derek swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "He walked into the ball, and it felt like my whole world shattered. I knew that I could never be with the man from the tavern, but I wanted to be. I would have given up everything for him. But he's no different than Lord Elijah. He kept insisting that it was genuine, but... how could it have been?"

Boyd's shoulder dropped as he approached Derek. He placed a hand on his shoulder. He let the guard persona fall away, leaving only Derek's friend. "I don't know him, so I can't say, but you fell for him. My question for you is why? Did you only fall for him because he didn't know who you were, or was there another reason?"

Derek swallowed as he contemplated Boyd's question.

"You said he was sweet and charming and funny. Was he any different at the ball?"

Derek shook his head.

"Then you only loved that he didn't know who you were."

Derek pushed off the bed. He made his way toward the window. "I thought the sweetness and the charm were genuine. That's what I loved. I loved that someone was interested in me for me. Not for my status."

"You think he's only interested in you for your status? He's a prince too," Boyd pointed out.

"My family has the most successful port business in all the lands. We have the most land. Many families would love to have claim over it. An alliance between Lykos and Lis would be..."

"So you think he wants to ally Lykos and Lis?"

"Why else would he be trying so hard to convince me that last night was real? How do I know he didn't follow me? This could have been his plan all along. His father said he was ill. Maybe his father wants this alliance." Derek gripped the desk chair next to the window. Were he not in better control, his claws would have pierced the soft wood.

Boyd huffed a laugh. "You're being paranoid, Derek."

"Then why was he there?"

"Why don't you ask him?"

"I can't trust him to be honest with me. He masks his scent."

"He's a prince, in line to be king. Of course he masks his scent. Don't you?"

Derek drug a hand down his face.

Boyd sighed. "I'm going to say something as your friend and not the royal guard."

"You know I appreciate your candidness," Derek said, a warmth to his voice that hadn't been there a moment ago.

"Your mother is a good leader, but she rules in fear. She has let that fear spread. I don't want that fear for you. Despite what your mother may believe, not everyone is out to hurt you. I won't say there aren't dangers, but if you don't allow yourself to trust people, you'll never live. Not truly."

Derek knew Boyd was right. He didn't want to be like that. Fearing that just because of what he was, someone was out to get him. Is this how that started? Fearing that someone is pursuing him for political gain?

"Also, I would just like to point out that your mother was very close with Queen Claudia. She brought you here willingly. She must trust the King and his son greatly."

"You're right." Derek nodded.

"Who knows, perhaps your mother and the King are considering an alliance for the two of you anyway."

Derek's jaw clenched. "You know that's not true. She's made up her mind."

Boyd squeezed Derek's shoulder just as someone knocked on Derek's door.

"That'll be my leave. If you need anything..."

"Thank you, Boyd." Derek smiled at his friend. If there was anyone that treated him like a person and not a status, it was Boyd. He always had. Since they were children.

When his door closed, leaving him alone, he glanced at the stack of books on the desk. Knowing that Stiles had picked them out made him not want to touch them. But he was several chapters in one called 'Utopia'. It was about a perfect island nation where thousands live in peace and harmony, men and women are both educated, and all property is communal. It also explored the theories behind war, political disagreements, social quarrels, and wealth distribution and imagined the day-to-day lives of those citizens enjoying freedom from fear, oppression, violence, and suffering. He was enjoying it very much and found the character Raphael to be relatable.

He stared at the book on the top of the stack. He didn't have to tell Prince Stiles he read it. It could be his little secret. But the spiteful side of him really wanted to hate all the books.

With an indignant huff, he snatched the book from the pile and climbed into bed. The flicker of his oil lamp cast across the pages as he picked up where he left off.

Bit of a small one for you!

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