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Derek turned the corner of the hallway to his mother's room just as she was stepping out of it.

"Derek." She smiled warmly at him.

"Mother, are you busy?" Derek glanced around for anyone she might be meeting.

"Just on my way to dinner." She eyed him curiously.

"Oh, is it that time?" Derek's shoulders fell.

"I assumed you'd skip dinner in the hall tonight."

Derek would normally take any excuse to have a meal in his room, but right now, he needed to please his mother. "I'm well enough to join."

The proud smile on her face was exactly what he was aiming for. He put his arm out to escort her.

"Why, thank you." She patted his arm.

"I hope you won't punish Boyd too harshly. It really wasn't his fault."

Talia sighed. "I know you two are close, but I fear he puts your friendship before your safety."

"I promise it won't happen again. Please don't take him off my guard."

Talia sighed again. "Only because I fear you'll become a true recluse. Your list of friends is embarrassingly small. Though I am pleased to see that Prince Stiles has made it onto that list."

Derek bit the inside of his cheek. If only she knew the truth. He wanted to tell her, but he didn't know how.

"I do hope that Princess Lydia is allowed some of your attention, though." Her tone was less accusing than it would normally be.

Derek tried not to tense at the mention of Lydia. "I don't think she much cares for me," he said.

"Can you blame her? You barely acknowledge her existence. If you want her to like you then—"

"I don't." Derek snapped. He instantly regretted it.

Talia paused outside the dining hall doors. "Derek, we've talked about this already. I won't repeat myself."

"What if I was in love with someone?" Derek blurted.

Talia pulled away and gave him a stern look. "That's enough, Derek. We've discussed this already."

Derek's shoulders slumped. "But—"

"Your feelings aren't real. You simply feel responsible for the attack. Marrying her won't stop them from happening. Even if it would, I would never allow it. Now let it go."

Derek's brows furrowed. She thought he was talking about Kate. Before he could explain, she pushed the doors open, ending their conversation.


The dining room table felt empty without Stiles, despite the extra guests.

"Derek, I'm glad to see you're well," Queen Natalie said, placing a hand on Lydia's back. "We were worried when we heard the news."

Lydia didn't meet his eyes. She hadn't since he walked into the room.

"I'm only glad Lydia wasn't with us," Derek said, glancing in his mother's direction. She wore a pleased smile.

"We only hope that the people responsible are brought to justice. Isn't that right, darling?" Natalie nudged her daughter.

Lydia's eyes finally met Derek's. She pursed her lips as if holding back what she wanted to say, opting to only nod in agreement.

"Speaking of justice. We have guards out searching for your assailant," King Noah said.

"When the time comes, we'll aid in any way we can." Queen Natalie smiled at Talia.

"The support of you both is much appreciated." She smiled in return.

Derek picked at the food on his plate as King Noah went into details regarding the best way to handle the next few days.

Laura reached over and squeezed Derek's hand under the table. He met her eyes, and though she said nothing, he knew what she was saying. 'It's not your fault.' He wished he believed her. He had liked Kate. He had believed she liked him back. But then she grew possessive, and it made him uncomfortable. He pulled away. And when she proposed the marriage to his mother, he'd been relieved when she declined. After the fire, he had felt responsible, offering to marry her in hopes of preventing any future attacks, but his mother had dismissed the idea. Now, because of him, Stiles was injured and forced to thrust his kingdom into war. When would it end?

He picked at his food for the rest of dinner, trying to tune out all talks of war. After which he excused himself to his room. The day's events had more than caught up to him, and he wanted nothing more than to be alone.

"Derek." Lydia's voice paused him in the hall.

She approached him almost timidly. "I know that we... that you..." she cleared her throat and smoothed her dress.

"You have no reason to feel bad," Derek assured her.

She looked up at him, her eyes glistening with tears. "But I do. While you were being attacked, I was..." She dropped her chin to her chest.

"You owe me no explanation."

"And yet I feel I do. You were doing us a favor."

"Put the thought from your mind." Derek stepped past Lydia, but she caught his wrist. When he turned to face her, she pressed up onto her toes and placed a kiss to his cheek. Shame washed over him.

"I really am glad that you're okay."

He frowned but said nothing. She released him and hurried down the hall. He hated his life sometimes. Right now was one of those times.

Derek reached his room to find Boyd stationed outside.

"Boyd," Derek smiled at the sight of his best friend.

Boyd bowed his head. "I've been granted a pardon for my misstep. I don't suppose you had anything to do with that?"

Derek only smiled, pulling him into a tight hug. Tears sprung to his eyes. He held on longer than he normally would.

"Are you alright?" Boyd asked when he pulled back.

Derek shook his head.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I told Stiles that I love him."

Boyd gaped at him. "Oh. How did he take it?"

"He said he loved me too."

"So he was genuine," Boyd smiled, relieved.

"I tried to speak with Mother..."

Boyd's smile dropped. "She still wants you to marry Princess Lydia?"

"I tried to tell her that Lydia doesn't want to marry me, but she wouldn't listen. She thought it was about Kate."

"She's bound to be tense after the attack. Maybe let things settle and try speaking with her again."

"In the meantime, what do I do about Stiles? I told him I can't be with him, but he wants to know why. I don't know what to say."

Boyd placed a hand on Derek's shoulder. "Perhaps you can get Cora to help. I know she's afraid to tell your mother about her and Lydia but—"

"How can I ask her to do that when I can't tell Mother about Stiles?" Derek pushed into his room. He hated how unapproachable his mother could be.

"Are you and Cora prepared to be miserable your whole lives because you're afraid of your mother?" Boyd asked, following him inside.

Derek's shoulders slumped. "Cora and I have an understanding. But now... it's gotten complicated. I don't want to hurt Stiles."

"So what are you prepared to do about it?"

Derek dropped his eyes to his feet. There was blood dried to the leather. He didn't know if it was his blood or Stiles'. He clenched his jaw. He had no choice but to change them now.

Hope you like it!

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