New contracts

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PSA: This is a part 2 of leaving please read that first.

Lisa's hands trembled "Oh my god" she whispered taking in the severity of what she had just done.

"Lili baby" Jennie spoke softly moving towards her "It's okay I will fix it for you it's just a mistake"

Lisa felt hot tears sting her eyes "N-nini I have destroyed us why bother let me suffer"

Jennie pulled Lisa into her arms enveloping her in warmth "Lisa for you? I'd do it all three million times over"

Jisoo watched defeatedly "It was an impulsive decision that we all will pay for"

Lisa welcomed the warmth looking at Jennie when hearing jisoo's deafening words.

"No it's not it was a decision made out of love and love is priceless chu" Jennie retorted holding Lisa tighter

"Love is impulsive ten minutes ago you were convinced she hated your guts" Jisoo spoke with her head held in her hands trying to come up with a solution.

"Yes I have had my doubts but Lisa has been loving me so loudly I just didn't hear it"

Lisa felt Jennie's desperation from the words "No more hiding I don't want to hide anything let them kick me out of black pink I will reveal everything"

"No! You cannot do that Lisa!" Jisoo screamed marching towards the couple.

Lisa curls more into Jennie "We have no other choice Jisoo I will never give Jennie up"

Jisoo exhaled deeply tears filling up in her eyes "I-I don't know what to do guys your unnie doesn't know I'm so sorry"

The room was silent apart from Jisoo's soft sniffling the older girl clearly feeling extremely guilty for not being able to ease her friend's suffering.

"Chu we aren't mad at you so don't apologise I blame no one but the company and they will rue the day they fucked with Jennie Kim"

Jennie's words were soaked in love leaving Lisa to stare at her with such admiration blind people could see the love between them. Lisa gently placed a soft kiss to Jennie's cheek truly touched by the words.

"Guys whatever happens the world will know the injustice we suffered at the hands of these monsters I will destroy anyone who dares stop me" Jennie declared earnestly.

Rosè crouched down "Okay let's think of a game plan you have cancelled your contract wire the fee Jennie then destroy Yg blast them on social media so bad an nda doesn't cover long term relationships"

The three stared in shock at Rosè she was never normally this serious ever so it was taking them by surprise.

"Babe what are you looking at? Sit down we need to discuss everything we don't have a lot of time"

Jisoo's mouth parted and closed unable to form words before she snapped out of it she crouched by Rosè's side "She's right Jen call the bank now"

Jennie nodded taking out her phone but she froze her eyes catching a glimpse of sad green eyes searching for hers

"Wait Lili is this what you want? Because it's going to be hard we're definitely going to argue but despite all the arguments I will never ever stop loving you even for a second"

Lisa's heart skipped a beat hearing Jennie's words "For you? Nini three million times over"

"This whole thing is so insane I don't know if we will be okay by the end but I know that I will never ever deny that my heart beats for only you not to the world, not to myself I love you Lisa"

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