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Jennie leaned back in her chair glancing at Lisa "why are you here you know Irene could show up at any moment" Lisa's eyes darkened "she has a key? What kind of joke is this nini I'm back now get her gone." Jennie smirked seeing Lisa's eyes darken "this is killing you isn't it? Can't handle the thought of me with anyone else? Irene is fun to have around Lisa she's sweet nothing like you" Lisa scoffed "so she's a total bore does she even put out? I know what you like Jen miss innocent can't handle all that doesn't matter if this is killing me whatever I feel you feel you're dying inside too"

Jennie raised an eyebrow truly she missed Lisa like crazy Irene could never replace Lisa she was just a distraction "how can you tell?" Lisa leaned closer across the table "I can see it in your eyes love let me come home" Jennie eyed Lisa skeptically "bullshit tell me how you know Lisa" Lisa sighed "never let me be romantic do you? People talk you've been working crazy hours" she rested her chin on her hands making eye contact with Jennie

"now why would you do that if you had a new girlfriend wouldn't you spend all your time sleeping with her?" Jennie exhaled she hadn't touched Irene she barely kissed her whereas she and Lisa were extremely passionate with each other "how do you know I didn't sleep with her in my office?" Lisa's eyes widened as she stood up in anger "did you! What the fuck Jennie!" She stomped over to Jennie's side of the table standing in front of her.

Jennie gulped angry Lisa was a force to be reckoned with "and what if I did Lisa you broke up with me I'm single I can do whatever I want with my new girlfriend" Lisa took ahold of Jennie's chin forcing their eyes to meet "I have told you a million times you're mine I don't care who you're dating you'll always be mine" Jennie stared at Lisa almost in a trance but she couldn't let Lisa win so easily she pushed her chair back away from Lisa "that's no longer how things work I warned you what would happen if you left me again"

Lisa looked at Jennie with a shocked expression "you don't mean that you know you don't" Jennie stood up checking her watch "you no longer have the right to comment on what I do Ms manoban now if you'll excuse me I have to go pick up my girlfriend let yourself out and please leave my keys behind I do not think it is appropriate for my ex girlfriend to have keys to my house you understand don't you? Good day" with that she made her way out of her own house leaving behind a dumbfounded Lisa.

Jennie actually made it out to her car before Lisa came after her finding Jennie leaning against the car smoking a cigarette casually made Lisa's head spin with anger "don't act high and mighty because of her Jennie you're still a criminal" Jennie exhaled nodding "mhmm I won't discredit that I still am a criminal I'm just not one that you can control I must get going is there anything else I can do for you?"

Lisa saw the cocky look on Jennie's face and wanted to punch her "you know what I want Jennie stop all of this shit I'm tired" Jennie let out a low chuckle "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with your request what is it that you want?" Lisa glared at Jennie not finding the game she was playing funny "fine if that's how you want to play it" she took out her phone dialling her father Jennie watched her curiously raising an eyebrow she didn't expect Lisa to play so dirty so soon.

"Father I will marry Jung-" Lisa wasn't able to finish her sentence before Jennie snatched the phone "she won't marry anyone but me" Mr manoban chuckled "I expect no less Lisa don't involve me in your arguments" Lisa smirked at Jennie in victory reaching for her phone "I have to do what I need father we'll see you for dinner bye" mr manoban sighed muttering to himself about Lisa's shamelessness before responding "I'll be waiting" with that he hung up.

Jennie pressed Lisa against the car looking down at her "you drive me crazy" Lisa linked her arms around Jennie's neck so they were flushed together "I'm meant to did you really fuck her in your office?" Jennie placed a soft kiss to Lisa's lips "of course not I can't be with anyone other than you" she put the remainder of the cigarette into her mouth inhaling "you've ruined anyone else for me" Lisa's heart swelled hearing those words "you are a sweet talker but you have to leave her I won't be your mistress" Jennie flicked the cigarette to the ground "don't be silly my love I left her the moment you showed up here"

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