Chapter 23

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"I thought there were more people." the thai woman says with her mouth full of food and I look at her like she's crazy.

"It's crowded, Lisa, with Jisoo's family." I suppress a sigh and pass my hand over my face. There really aren't as many people as I thought there would be, but it's practically a family dinner. My girlfriend picked a table near the buffet and left us here while she's talking to her parents and some uncles about whatever.

"Shouldn't you be there next to her?" Rosé says as she sits next to Lisa and I roll my eyes.

"Why? I'm not her security guard." I shrug and take a sip of the wine that was served to us.

"Yes, but you're her girlfriend and you're now part of the family." my best friend says and I bite my mouth.

"I'm not ready for this, I'm barely part of my family, let alone Kim Jisoo's family." I shake my head in denial when I see Jisoo laughing about something.

"Is the big Jennie Kim scared?" Lisa gives an amused smile "You should have known what you were getting yourself into when you decided to roll over in bed with her and win her over."

"Lisa!" Rosé scolds her and I close my mouth without being able to think of an argument to rebut her. "With Bohyun it was worse, so I think everything is fine so far."

"What do you mean worse?"I look at them and start to feel the panic growing.

"It was almost an interrogation with him, her parents looked into everything about Bohyun to make sure he wasn't taking advantage of Jisoo." Rosé says "At least that's what Jisoo already told me."

"I was there and it was on a sunday lunch. Jichu was angry about the situation and Bohyun was nervous, but her father liked him so it worked out." Lisa shrugs "At least while it lasted it worked, I think."

"Do you think he was to blame for Jisoo breaking up?" the blonde questions.

"No, he was always good to her and I never heard Jisoo complain about anything about their relationship, it was practically perfect." Lisa shrugs "I think we can't escape who we are." I keep trying to mentally map out all the challenges that Jisoo and I will have to face if we want to be together and I swallow hard when I realize the enormity of it all.

"Hey, Jen, come with me." Jisoo stops next to our table and has that political smile on her face. I shake my head no and she reaches out her hand to me.

"Where?" I raise one of my eyebrows as I look at her hand.

"Go walk and talk a little." She shrugs and smiles that huge smile that convinces me to do anything. I let out a sigh as I get up and see Chaelisa exchange a suspicious look.

Jisoo puts my hand on her arm and we walk among some people until she pulls me towards a hallway, I swallow hard and I swear I'm shaking.

"You said we would walk and talk." I say softly as I try to walk slowly.

"Yes, we are walking towards the office to talk with my parents." she says calmly and I can't tell if she's really calm or if she's acting. I hate this ability of Jisoo.

"About what?" I think I'm getting short of breath as soon as Jisoo puts her hand on the handle of a large wooden door.

"Us." She smiles softly at me before turning forward and pulling me into the large room. Large walls full of pictures, a large plush rug, sofas, armchairs and a large wooden table, but my gaze is stuck on the sofas where Jisoo's parents are sitting side by side and there are some envelopes on the coffee table. The brunette pulls me to sit on the couch in front of them and I pull my hand away from hers as soon as we enter their field of vision.

Ghana - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now