Chapter 9

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After spending the last month reading and re-reading the musical's script, meeting with teachers, the choreography people and watching some of the rehearsals to get a sense of the best fabrics for the costumes Jisoo will wear, I feel confident to meet with her and work out the production details.

Today is the first rehearsal of introducing Jisoo's character to the public and I'm sitting on the edge of the second row of chairs next to the theater stage while I wait for them to get organized to begin. I need to analyze the movements, even if basic, that she will make to see the best fit of the fabrics and adjustments that will be necessary.

I'm listing and writing down the colors that look good on Jisoo, but I may have to take her to the course's fashion studio to create her color palette, besides, the play of lights can influence the colors of the outfits. Maybe after the rehearsal I can get her to accompany me there.

"Have you already memorized this part of the script?" I hear the voice of one of the girls in Jisoo's class.

"Yes, but I'm thinking about adapting some things because the script is very rigid." the serious tone of the girl with the heart-shaped mouth makes me look down the hall to see them walking towards the stage. Jisoo is wearing just an all-black look consisting of a tank top, baggy pants, sneakers and a cap. She is acting with such seriousness and professionalism that I have never seen her act this way and this is something different from what I'm used to with her. "Jennie, what are you doing here?" Jisoo stops next to me and crosses her arms.

"I'll sort things out back there so we can get started." the girl says and Jisoo just gives her a brief smile before turning to me.

"I came to watch your rehearsal" I shrug "I need the types of movements to think about the fabric of your clothes, it can't be something too hot, and other details."

"I thought you would discuss these details with someone else and not me." She raises one of her eyebrows, challenging me, and I don't understand what she's talking about.

"After your rehearsal, I need you to come with me to the studio."

"Why?" She squints her eyes.

"I need to take your measurements and make your color palette, then we need to talk about some ideas and sketches I made." I say calmly and Jisoo stares at me.

"Is this the first time you've seen something like this?" she waves to the stage and I just nod my head in agreement. "Interesting..." Jisoo bites her mouth and has that brief naughty smile on her face, making something in me stir.

"Why?" I try to keep my thoughts in order.

"Enjoy the show." she says softly and winks at me before heading towards the stage, disappearing between the heavy, red curtains. I let out a sigh and run my hand over my face. There's something different about her and I can't understand what's going on with Jisoo.

"I'm glad the rehearsal hasn't started yet, I'm looking forward to today." Hoyeon says and I get up for her to pass, sitting next to me. At the same moment, Jisoo and a few other people come out from behind the curtains and position themselves on the stage. She looks at me quickly and rolls her eyes before turning her attention back to the same girl she was with before.

"Why?" I quickly look at my cousin who gives a half smile while watching Jisoo.

"You know, I think she likes you."

"What? Did you hit your head?" I place my hand on her forehead, this has to be delusion.

"She watches you much more than you realize."

Ghana - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now