Chapter 15

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I'm doing almost everything I can to force myself to forget Jennie. She doesn't have to like me just because I like her and I understand that, but I think the spark of hope I had was more like a bonfire because when she reacted like that it was like it started snowing in my heart.

I think I had too many expectations or maybe I was too thirsty, I should have taken things slower and maybe she would have fallen in love with me. But now there is nothing left to do and what has been done is done.

We are finishing the morning rehearsal when I receive a message from her saying that I need to go to the studio so I can try on the pieces that are already ready. I just respond with an "Ok" and lock the phone screen. I start to gather my things and stuff everything into my bag when I see who I want to see.

"Dara!" I say when I see the fashion course coordinator at the theater door and run to her. "What's up?" She seems surprised to see me.

"Yes, everything is going well. Is there a problem, Jisoo?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Not exactly. What time of day is the studio busiest?"

"Now in the morning is when students are making and evaluating their pieces, in the afternoon it is quieter and empty, why?" Dara looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Jennie told I need to go there and try on some clothes and wanted to know if I can go now or if I should wait to go after lunch." I force a cough "I'm focusing my afternoons on studying and not letting the subjects pile up."

"Oh, you are quite responsible." she opens a wide smile when observing me "I'm going there, you can go with me and it's good that I come along to evaluate."

"Excellent! We can go now, I've already finished my rehearsal for today." I give a brief smile and she just nods her head in agreement. The walk to the studio is pleasantly silent and I nod my head to some people who pass us.

"You're very famous around here." she says as we pass through the studio door and the movement is intense.

"More than I would like and less than my parents would like." I shrug and Dara laughs at my comment. As soon as we enter and she points out where I should leave my bag, I see Jennie doodling something in one of her sketchbooks and my heart skips a beat when I see her. We're going to be so close and so far from each other that it's funny.

"There's a bathroom there for you to change." She points to one of the corners on the other side of the room.

"Oh no, don't worry. I don't mind taking off my clothes among people because I do theater, so I need to be prepared for these situations." I shrug and start to take off my blouse, attracting some looks, and I realize that most of the students stopped what they were doing to watch me.

"Have you gone crazy?" Jennie is already close to me and holding my wrists when I'm about to unbutton my pants.

"No?" I try to ignore her warm hand holding me so tightly.

"There's a bath..." she begins to say softly in an irritated tone.

"I know, Dara already told me and I don't mind changing here." I take a step back and she seems to realize that she was holding me.

"I thought you would come in the afternoon." she says when I've finished taking off my pants and placing them folded on top of my bag.

"I preferred to come now and get it over with." I shrug and reach out to grab the first dress that one of the students holds out to me. I hear Jennie sigh as I put on the dress that has a zipper in the back and ask the same girl to zip it up for me.

Ghana - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now