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I put on my clothes, and I decided to wear my doc martens. At this point I served cunt, NOT as much as Johnnie though. he always serves cunt.

I brushed my hair and put on a little mascara.

I then grabbed my wallet and phone just in case I probably won't need them, though. I also took a blanket for us to sit on at the beach.

I then checked the time, it was 7pm. I then left to head back to Johnnie's apartment.

I knocked on the door, and Jake opened it.

"You like nice Court. Are you going out with Johnnie tonight?"

"Yep! We're going stargazing!!" I replied

"Hm. fun!" Jake said.

I entered their apartment,

"Johnnie's getting ready. Lemme go get him." Jake went to get Johnnie.

"Johnnie.. your girlfriends here."

Johnnie came out of his room, I gave him a hug and a kiss.

"You look really nice tonight, Courtney." Johnnie smiled.

I blushed.

"Thank you, so do you." I smiled.

We then left, and for dinner, we both agreed on a pizza. We went and bought a pepperoni pizza.

We then walked down to the beach and I put down the blanket, and we sat on the sand together. I had to take off my shoes and leg warmers because the sand got too thick.

I then realised I had forgotten I needed a jacket. It was the one thing I mainly needed.

It was really nice with Johnnie, I loved it. It was just us on the beach, so it was nice and quiet.

"Thanks for taking me out tonight." I said to Johnnie as I rested my head on his shoulder, eating a piece of pizza and looking up at the stars.

"You're welcome. you deserve it." Johnnie gave me a kiss on the head, I smiled like always.

Johnnie put his head on mine, and we both stared at the stars together.

We both finished the pizza, and so I got up quickly to find a bin to put the box in.

Once I did, I ran back to Johnnie and sat in the same positions as before. It was comfortable.

"I SAW A SHOOTING STAR!!" I said, pointing up to space.

"Make a wish then." Johnnie said.

I did, I wished that this moment could last forever.

I looked over at Johnnie. He was super pretty. The moonlight made it better. He looked back over at me.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm just falling in love with you all over again."

Johnnie smiled and kissed me. The kiss was better than the ones he normally gave me, this one was just different some how.

"Damn.." I said after we pulled away.

I went in and gave Johnnie another kiss. Something just makes these different, I don't know what.

After tonight, all together , I kissed Johnnie at least over 15 times. It was crazy. I decided to sleep over at Johnnie's house. He didn't want me to sleep on the couch, so we shared a bed. Nothing suspicious happened yet. (Notice how she said yet???)

515 words 🖤

y'all better have actual enjoyed the chapter. it was fun writing it.

Star Crossed Lovers~Johnnie Guilbert x Reader {female}Where stories live. Discover now