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We got back to Tara's house, and I immediately flopped down on the couch. I felt like shit again. I started to cry a little.

"Courtney, you'll be okay." Tara told me.

"You gotta be more careful with dresses next time, honey."

Johnnie sits down next to me on the couch and tells me I'll be okay, too.

"You guys wanna sleep over tonight?" Tara asked.

I nodded, and the guys agreed, too. Tara went and changed into her pyjamas and sat next to me on the couch, too. Jake sat on the floor. We decided to watch a movie, we watched the first top gun movie. It was super good.

When the movie finished, Tara got up.

"Alright. stuff this I'm going to bed." She said, yawning.

"Me too." Jake followed Tara.

It was just Johnnie and I in the living room now.

"You feeling okay now, Courtney?" Johnnie asked.

"Yeah, I mean, I still feel embarrassed." I replied.

"That'll take some time to forget. Don't worry, I didn't see much." Johnnie smiles and gives me a hug. I immediately got butterflies and started blushing.

We sat there together for a while. I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up to hearing people talking. I was leaning on someone.

"Shut up, you'll wake her." I heard Johnnie say. I could hear Jake and Tara giggling in the background. I opened my eyes and sat up to look at Johnnie.

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry, Johnnie." I felt stupid, I can't believe I fell asleep on Johnnie's shoulder..

"Are Courtney and Johnnie dating?????" Jake giggles.

"No, fuck off. We're just friends." Johnnie said with a stern tone. He sounded hot.

"Jeez, sorry, we're just messing with ya." Jake says.

"Wait what time is it????" I asked?

"almost 9am, why?" Tara says.

I jumped up.

"SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE FOR WORK!!" I yelled and ran out the door to get to work.

(time skip to work)

I made it, just in time thankfully. Well ten minutes late but still.

My co-worker, Taylor, looked at me.

"Woah, glamed up for work today, are we Miss Wilson??"

I forgot I was wearing Tara's dress and shoes.

"Fuck me, I forgot to change from last night. I went put for dinner with my friends." I said. atleast I think we're friends.

"I'll fuck you happily" Taylor smirked.

"Tay, you know I'm not gay."

"Yeah.. I know." Taylor went back to sweeping.

After making a couple coffees, before we closed, Tara came in.

"Hey Court, You forgot to change I see??" She giggled.

"Yep.." I frowned.

"After work you wanna come back to mine? The boys are still there." Tara said.

"Sure." I said and made Tara her coffee.

"Hey Tara, can I tell you something? but like you can't tell ANYBODY." I asked.

"Yeah, of course. What's on your mind?" She asked.

"I think I've fallen in love with Johnnie.."

Tara smiled, "I knew it." She laughed.

"Your in luck too, Johnnie's single too"

I smiled and Tara left.

After I closed the shop I left to go to Tara's house.

516 words 🤑

Hope this chapter was okay pookies

Star Crossed Lovers~Johnnie Guilbert x Reader {female}Where stories live. Discover now