First date

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Tara picks out three dresses again for me to wear. This time they're blue, black and red. They're a fancy dress, not like the ones from dinner the other night.

They're really pretty, I went with the black one. Tara got me out black heels with straps to go around the ankles.

I went and changed.

"You look so pretty, Court!!" Tara smiles at her creation.

She then combs and curls my hair and does my make-up. I'm super excited.

Once we finished, there was a knock at the door. It must be Johnnie. It was already 630. Tara gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek for good luck. (Friends do that if you find it weird, then you clearly don't have friends)

Tara went and opened the door. It was Johnnie. He looked amazing, He was wearing a suit and his hair. Well, it was still his emo hair. I love it, though, so much

Johnnie came inside (me) Tara's house.

"You look great, Court." Johnnie smiles.

"So do you." I held Johnnie's hand, and we said bye to Tara.

"Now, we're going to have to walk because I don't have my driver's license yet." Johnnie says.

"Fine by me, baby." I smiled as we walked down the sidewalk.

(time skip to restaurant)

We reached the restaurant, it was a fancy one unlike the one from the other night. We got taken to a table and the waiter gave us a bottle of wine.

Johnnie sat across from me.

"You really do look amazing tonight, Court." Johnnie smiles.

"Don't even get me started on how you look, Johnnie. You're beautiful." I looked him in the eyes.

We then decided on our meals. I was going to get a sea food salad because I love sea food (sorry for sea food haters)

Johnnie was going to get a steak. We called a waiter over and told them our order. He then went to put the order in.

"Thanks for taking me out tonight, Johnnie. I never thought I'd ever be doing this." I said, smiling.

"Me either, I'm super glad we got together. Jake told me I should make a move at some point, so I did. I'd normally never ever do that, but I just love you so much that I had to."

"I would've made the first move, but I was really scared you wouldn't feel the same way." I replied.

After talking, the waiter came back with our food, and we started eating.

After dinner, Johnnie paid, and we went for a walk. I held his hand while walking down the sidewalk.

He took me to the park, and we sat on a bench together. It was dark and a little cold.

"You want my jacket?" Johnnie asked.

"Yes, thank you." I replied, and Johnnie took off his suit jacket and handed it to me.

I put it on, and then I rested my head on Johnnie's shoulder. I felt so safe with him, all my troubles and problems would go away.

We just sat there in silence for a while and holding each other close it was really nice. After a while, we walked back to Tara's place.

I opened Tara's door and she was sitting on the couch watching TV. I said goodbye to Johnnie and thanked him for tonight.

"Thank you so much for tonight, Johnnie. it meant the world to me."

"You're welcome." He kissed me passionately, and then he went home.

I sat down on the couch next to Tara and told her everything, not realising I still had Johnnie's jacket.

603 words 🥸

hope y'all enjoyed this chapterrr

Star Crossed Lovers~Johnnie Guilbert x Reader {female}Where stories live. Discover now